Is the black guy supposed to be an equivalent of biscuit in hxh in this world ?
Or as the author forgotten that the girls were machos and the boys were sisi in this world ?
I can't understand the plot...
Why are we facing a non existing threat ? To show the power of the protagonist ? Because it will not be a hurdle for him.
We could see so much more, like for example short story of what was the adventures of the 100 disciples. Or at least if you want to follow the...
@gum_rummy I've been near fat people that smelled roten. Might be due to diabete ?
But there I think that it's because she is doing sport for the first time of her life, and extrudating lot of sweat and burning fat.
@greyhud90 public furnitures is a special case, at least in France you need to buy the things in some official stores whom your accountants made some accountants thingy with. (Don't understand that part) but these stores give professionnal prices and services. A simple furniture might cost twice...
Mapping is an incredible skill. Maps in the time of middle age were quite bad, a lord need a good map, an adventurer would kill for a map, an army will loose against a map, an adventurer in a world with dungeon that got a map ? It's an incredible skill, yeah it's not shiny, you can't protect...
Where and when did she learn etiquette ? Eating with high nobles is really stressfull even more so if you don't know anything and I suppose that they don't eat using european's etiquette...
Well it's not really a problem in general in Isekai but if she wants to look like a noble it becomes one.