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  1. bakko

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 261 - Monster Lady

    A raining day, really a sad day. Thank you so much Allen, You did ur best for us.
  2. bakko

    I Shall Seal the Heavens - Ch. 81

  3. bakko

    The Boy in the All-Girls School - Ch. 235

    Cliché ou simplesmente encher linguiça..
  4. bakko

    Chong Sheng - Resurrection - Ch. 54

    Iron Man, is that you?
  5. bakko

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 245 - Teacher and Student

    Happy Birthday Man. Thank you!!
  6. bakko

    The Boy in the All-Girls School - Ch. 225

    Tudo indica que o vencedor dessa "disputa" teria que casar com a noiva e o protagonista nem imagina isso kkkkk
  7. bakko

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 242 - Black Peppered Steak Flavor

    This is all about entertainment and culture. Thank you very much Allenallenallen333, best translator ever!!
  8. bakko

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 239 - Crispy

    Dont mind this guys Allen, thanl you for all your efforts
  9. bakko

    Holy Ancestor - Ch. 123

    Whaaaa..too short, give me more pls hahaha. Thank Guys for the update.
  10. bakko

    Reverend Insanity - Ch. 45

  11. bakko

    Xian Ni - Ch. 44 - Tower of Babel

    bushwhacker2k, this system w Condensing Qi < Foundation < Core Formation < Nascent Soul < Spirit Severing , just like "I Shall Seal the Heavens" (same author).
  12. bakko

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 225 - Die On The Spot

    Thanks Allen.
  13. bakko

    Martial Legacy - Ch. 43 - Countdown 4

    On Interestin facts when he says FUS RO DA makes me remember Skyrim 😎
  14. bakko

    Stellar Transformations

    I like this story, but I do not like this style of drawing. It reminds me of a girl in my old school. Great for amateurs but not so great for professionals.
  15. bakko

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 200 - Battle Puppet Reveals Its True Form

    Allen, i might think u are The Flash, fastest Chapters. Thanks Hero.
  16. bakko

    Tang Yin in Another Realm - Ch. 13.2

    Esse estrategista do Prota as vezes pelo seu comportamento, parace ser uma mulher desfarçada de homem. Ou é gay.
  17. bakko

    Tang Yin in Another Realm - Ch. 13.1

    Acho q o prota ñ vai cair ñ, até pq a estratégia dela alí era pra ele ser isca e se lascar, por isso ela ta dando mole. Ele sendo esperto ñ só não cairá na dela, como tb ela vai se apaixonar por ele no futuro quando o cara crescer, imagino eu.😎