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  1. mvryvm

    The Summer You Were There

    this hurt so bad
  2. mvryvm

    The Summer You Were There - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - A Flash of Light

    doomed yuri ......... oh god
  3. mvryvm

    Welcome Back, Alice - Vol. 5 Ch. 29.5 - Afterword

    putting all of the other stuff aside for now, i do hope that u do continue in trying to better urself and that u reach a place where u no longer harbor self hatred for ur habits. the fact that u are working to lose those habits already says somethinng about u, and i believe in u. also, i hadn't...
  4. mvryvm

    Welcome Back, Alice - Vol. 5 Ch. 29.5 - Afterword

    u are right but i feel like the majority of the longing that the mc of this particular story feels only partly aligns with what oshimi is going thru. most of oshimi's characters are representations of his own feelings, his own desires, his own mindset and yo represents that part of him that...
  5. mvryvm

    Kase-san and… - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Bento and Kase-san

  6. mvryvm

    Welcome Back, Alice - Vol. 5 Ch. 29.5 - Afterword

    i wish he could realize that there is a way to escape that pain of manhood.
  7. mvryvm

    Welcome Back, Alice - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Seduction

    i think its quite the opposite actually, its when hes indulging with mitani that it feels superficial and fake, because it is only then that he solidifies himself in the role of a man, when that is clearly not the best label for him. over and over again, there are instances where he feels like...
  8. mvryvm

    Welcome Back, Alice - Vol. 5 Ch. 24 - Reminiscence

    oshimi's just so good at expressing emotions and feelings thru just facial expressions. like there have been multiple times throughout this manga thus far where we are faced with just a full page shot of one of the characters, bearing a truthful and raw complicated emotion in a way that wouldnt...
  9. mvryvm

    Lovely★Complex - Vol. 5 Ch. 18

    ok i love them but the way she keeps crying over him bugs me offf 😭😭 like i wish (and i know this wont happen) that he could pine over her instead aghfufhsbcjs
  10. mvryvm

    The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All

    even tho ive been following up on the manga for a long time i still dont feel like its being drawn out which happens very often so im impressed!! the art style is so pretty and that and the use of color are both so unique; additional points for being gl + having lovable charactes who dress cool...
  11. mvryvm

    Sasaki and Miyano - Vol. 10 Ch. 51

    i was thinking he was a cosplayer! to be fair i havent read in a while so i forgot the details of his character, but at the event, he said "there might be people here who know me." and whenever he goes out he wears his large glasses, mask, and pushes his hair in front of his face. and he fully...
  12. mvryvm

    Ao Haru Ride

    honestly i really enjoyed this not for how well the writing is or the romance but it just felt so satisfying. like i could literally see every turn coming from miles away and it still felt great when i saw it happen. then again, thats just me i personally found it entertaining enough
  13. mvryvm

    Kesa mo Yuraretemasu

    i didnt expect to actually find this that funny but now im tempted to look into the authors other works lol
  14. mvryvm

    Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You

    so great, amazing characters and writing; i honestly think its worth it tho it might feel a bit slow at times. it may not be one of those romance mangas that give u intense butterflies but it does feel very wholesome and satisfying
  15. mvryvm

    Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You - Vol. 23 Ch. 94 - Myself

    b droppin entire analyses on a shoujo manga dawg these r new lows.
  16. mvryvm

    Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You - Vol. 23 Ch. 94 - Myself

    i honestly think its such a shame that miura and ayane had to undergo all of this but it was likely a huge developmental step for both of them; miura was able to experience a type of love and care he'd never experienced before while also relinquishing ayane of some of her burdens in the time...
  17. mvryvm

    Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You - Vol. 3 Ch. 11

    im glad sawako didnt go along with whatever that bitch is planning
  18. mvryvm

    Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You - Vol. 3 Ch. 10

    noo i can already feel like some shit is gonna go down w kurumi bro
  19. mvryvm

    19 Days - Ch. 140

    why did bro think that was the immediate best course of action ☠️