Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
So what the hell is Koga's arc supposed to be? His big bad antagonist is dead, his status as the MC was taken back by ohma, he's not participating in the tournament...this entire series is turning out to be a dud for me
Active member
Feb 29, 2020
Meh. Say what you will, I liked this fight. If every fight has to be an emotional journey of self discovery and catharsis, then nothing will ever be (if everyone's special, then nobody is). It was a good for a change, the movements were slick, and as always, you could feel the weight behind those punches, kicks (and elbows now haha). We'll have to see what happens with Yumigahama (I'll bet he's quadriplegic after that) and Misasa.

Although I have to agree with a couple of you guys in the comments: I want to see Koga in the spotlight again.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
That's because this current arc is pretty much a dud. I mean go reread the start. Koga evidently either becomes part of Worm or is cloned into it - facing off against either Ohma or Gaoh.
We're a long ways from that point right now - this 'tournament' is going to end disastrously by my prediction, possibly not even having a proper conclusion when Worm rears it's head in the middle of it.

If I had to guess what's going to happen, it'd be that everyone is going to get their DNA stolen - so Worm can artificially manufacture the greatest fighter.
May 25, 2020
back then real silat practice is really dangerous and considered sacred, not only you need to enhance your body, it also require you to enhance your spiritual body (sukma)

so glad they make it Look OP

my source was someone from SH(i wont tell which SH branch it will make it obvious) and KS, the old member, now they just seems for show

SH was the most extreme as they open your spiritual heart eyes? which make you able to see ghost too, some quit because they can stand the view. KS do this too, but they more focus on Physical training
Feb 22, 2018
@mogima You can look back at chp 76 page 7 for the explanation of the rules, but they only lose if their entire body leaves the light.

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