I'm really hopin' things are gonna come together soon. Once this tournament started a lot of the plot stuff gets in the way of characters. A lot of them don't feel characterized like they were before and their fights seem like just a reason to give exposition dumps that don't really change anything for the characters, so while the fights are fun to see, it feels like formality right now and the meat of it seems unimportant to what's currently going on. I'm not saying the story can't work but in this setting it really feels like it's suffering and the characters are suffering cause of it to since the focus isn't even on them really yet we're following them playing into this whole thing without much input. I know this was being set up even in Kengan Asura but right now everything seems so detached from each other and is lacking meaningful substance. It doesn't really change anything to know that Kanoh's gu ritual was caused by the evil Tokita Niko and is where he learned his formless style, he's still gonna use it the same way, he's still the same person, he didn't really learn anything. WE learned anything but without doing anything for the characters, why do I care? Who is this even all for? What's the point to knowing all of this stuff? It could have one but so far the story since this tournament just kinda seems... there...