I think he mispelled it, actually only 2 more girls will join the fray, but nie li doesn't love them, yet
1 is not that far from where the manhwa is, the other only when they leave this plane
@Kalec : That, she needs to kill him. Does she really think he'll stop coming after her? On the contrary, losing to her will just make certain that he use all his power and though to ruin her.
But it's a manwa for young people, so nobody dies.
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Also, I'm up to date with the novel and there are certainly not 6 girls.
There are still only the two current girls.
Yuyan: is more like a big sister, no interest from either side and I seriously hope it stays that way. She's way too small anyway.
Dragon-lady: MC shows no interest. It's mainly politics
Master: no way José
The-obvious-girl: maybe? but MC is still not interested
If you're talking about yuyan, there's no way. She's a big sis. There is no romance at all.
@Clad95150, that's not necessarily the case. The Sacred Family patriarch told him specifically to not stir up anymore trouble. So he likely won't have any backing.