Sep 2, 2018
I hope it doesn't take too long for her to realize that her viewpoint isn't exactly right.

I understand that she wants Ain to feel loved and I agree with her on that point, but what she seems to want is to shelter Ain from all the dangers of the world which she nor anyone else has the ability to do. I do think the traditional Childe education is extreme, but they should compromise and find a way to make him feel loved and cared for while also making his body less susceptible to assassination.
Jul 27, 2019

I hope the FL realise it soon and the author not turning the story into some weird logic where anything is fine with FL.
May 3, 2019

I'm sad that roselia seems to be thinking "black or white" here. I hope she realizes the circumstances the Chide family is in. Maybe even reach a compromise?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018

Even though you have failed to answer my question, I'll go ahead and answer yours.

Poison a child, break their bones, starve them and force them through all forms of pain to make them stronger.
And for what?
Only two of these things applies here. Don't throw in broken bones and starving him, neither of those are present, and that's a completely different discussion. You present a target that does not exist in this story. We are only talking about
1. Ain taking poison
and really only just barely
2. Ain throwing up from combat practice from strain

We have already established the point of why he is taking poison, to gain a tolerance so he doesn't get murdered by those methods later in life. What do you present as an alternative that does not involve him taking poisons to gain tolerance?

As for the training, you don't seem to take problem with that, even though it appears to be exhausting. Of course it's vague if the training is strenuous usually or if this particular training is just hampered from him fucking up his own dosage.

"Because that's how its always done?"

You are confusing which method is being used to accomplish something with what the method is trying to accomplish. Tradition refers to, in this case, the Duke and Ain both having experienced mithridatism to gain immunity to poisons. This is separate from, WHY they are undergoing mithridatism, which is because there's a high chance of murder by poison in Ain's future. MC is trying to change the method, without addressing why Ain's was undergoing the training in the first place. She needs to change the situation so that Ain's shouldn't even need to worry about getting poisoned in the first place, rather than just stop the training method.

The novel clearly states that he turns into a villain and kills his mother.
So what exactly was the point of all this 'training'.

According to his Father, to keep him alive when he is a villain, in order for Ain's to accomplish his personal goals as a villain. In the novel, the Step-Mother appears to have been very stupid and brutish, just recreationally abusing the child.

Because it's the 'norm' of this world?
I don't understand the question, what do you mean by "'norm' of this world"? If anything Ain's is anything but normal for this world.

And don't you think that if it's the 'norm' of this world that children are abused that it's up to the adults to change it?

Again I don't know why you say "'norm' of this world". I don't think everyone is a criminal family like the Chide's, Ain's future is going to involve all sorts of problems that aren't "normal". I don't know how widespread child abuse is in it, but I suppose I should clarify.

What do you think child abuse is? Is it, coming home drunk and beating your son black and blue because he looked at you funny? Or, would you consider spanking a child because he beat up another kid as child abuse too? Is forcing your child to go somewhere he doesn't want to child abuse? What if the place he doesn't want to go is school? What do you define as child abuse?

I would also like to state that, not once was it stated in the original novel that the Father abused the son. According to MC, all of the abuse was coming from the Step-Mother, why did she state it like this?
Mar 5, 2019
@sinkingship While in the real world yes everything the family does is insane and cruel but you are missing a few things first is as I just said "real world" this isn't our world/ the world the heroine was originally from, This is a crime family in a work of fiction the way education would follow logic that applies to different things for example Harry Potter even if you don't plan on being a crazy job wizard you still have to take a course where your textbook can bite off your hand and in certain fantasy stories species throw children off cliff and into the wild.

The second bit is that this training isn't to prevent Ain from being poisoned or assassinated now. It is so he won't be poisoned assassinated when he is an adult when he inherits the family. And even if he wasn't going to or tried to change the family when he is the head, he wouldn't, the past actions of the family would still be cause of danger especially if they see the new leader is much weaker than the ones of the past.
Mar 14, 2020
She's going to let Ain get murdered in the future and she'll die alongside of him cause he can't protect mama

Also thank you for the update.

Active member
Feb 2, 2019
Hm. Maybe the novel world is different but there are plenty of poisons that you can't make yourself immune to. And the process itself is highly dangerous and usually results in permanent liver damage rather than poison immunity...

As others have said a better method would be to not eat poisoned stuff at all. Also should probably have had additional kids if the court is so dangerous...
Aug 12, 2018
I like her but she needs to realize that the novel and reality are different. That and what kind of family and society she is in. If he stops his training, he'll probably be killed. So really what is worse? Having to endure that kind of training through your own accord or being assassinated against your will? Wake up sis.

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