Mar 5, 2019
Omg I didn't even notice his arms, or the lack if it. Hahahhahaha

God this woman is as dumb as a post. What's even worse is that she's so arrogant about it, thinking that she could change the story that easily with just a few kind words and gestures. Out of everyone, she should be more aware of the dangers in the Chide family. Anyway, I can see how poisoning a child may seem cruel but it's to be build up his tolerance yeah? I think this was a fairly common practice in paranoid hardcore families before. It's practiced alongside eating in silver plates with silver utensils to better identify poison.
Aug 27, 2019
I admire translator's fastness , thank you so much for translating chapters fastly one by one 🙋🏻‍♀️
Jun 27, 2019
Well I don't think she's acting bad now, she doesn't have an overview of things because I think the book she read doesn't cover that part, so she just thinks he's going to be the villain and that nothing can happen to him now. I still think that these nobles will end up doing something to her and then she will wake up and realize that the situation is much more serious than it looks.


Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
I don't have problems with her not wanting the Ain to suffer (and thus turning him into a cold blooded killer) but...I'm rather troubled by the fact that she's just watching him sleep and going "kyaaaaaaa...he's so precious". Really doesn't seem healthy. Seems a little creepy (to me).
Dec 27, 2019
Thanks to the comments confirming she's still stubbornly dumb and blind like a ditz, I'll pass on reading this chapter. Saves me the effort.

Thank you for the chapter, scanlators!
Apr 19, 2019
MC has good intentions but trying to act like a savior and change other people's behaviors is just as toxic imo. Bless her though.
Active member
Jun 1, 2019
She's the first FL of these story genre that I'm annoyed at so much. Get your head out of those rose-tinted glasses girl! You said you already read the novel? Then use your head and REALIZE that the Chide family is of NOBILITY who have many enemies. I'm going to put this on hold on my list if she did not wake up fast.
Jul 26, 2019
Hmmm I really like this story but I feel that the fl is super naive. Well thanks for the update!
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I can see the future with that set up, hopefully i'm wrong

He's obviously count Dooku, that's why he has no hands.
Apr 16, 2019
First I think the family is more hardcore then other families and is upping the poison dose much higher than a normal person trying to gain tolerance.

Secondly, yes they have enemies but it's more like the line surviving is more important than being happy. Like is anyone in that family happy?

I'm assuming the novel was in the future so of course with her limited knowledge and modern experiences children are innocent. She has no idea how much training he's actually gone through. No one tells her and they wouldn't advertise it since people would be able to come up with countermeasures.

Yes, she's naive but with her limited knowledge could you really expect her to know anything beyond what she's seen.
Jul 19, 2019
She needs a wake up call stat!!!! I hate to say it, but I hope those who are plotting, the father let them do what they want to teach her a lesson. This isn't flowers/candy family or era. People are willing to kill without blinking an eye. She read the whole book, did she somehow forget the other nobles and their goals. And her being a teacher and not being able to sense anything about this child have me in disbelief. I have lots of nieces and nephews and I could tell when I was being manipulated.
Dec 16, 2019
Am I the only one that thinks she’s a bit too clingy and protective to the point of being super obsessive...and creepy...? 👀

Also she doesn’t realize she’s actually doing more harm than good..? I’m sure there’s a better way to help let him grow and protect himself rather than coddle him and change him into being a nice helpless kid surrounded by a bunch of snakes...
Oct 18, 2019

i would be worried if this was a japanese manga... but at least from all of the korean ones that i’ve read, no “sus” things have happened
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 20, 2019
When she's gonna wake up? It seems she still lived a peaceful era and reject anything that doesn't fit her ideals. She seems forgotten the novel background *Sigh*
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2018
Y'all don't seem to understand that she sees Ain as a CHILD, not a future duke. Let that part sink in first or y'all gotta start force-feeding your kids grass because it's "better" for them.
Storywise, she's gonna have the plot ass handed to her firsthand either way. 1.) She realizes Ain needs it. 2.) The duke makes her realize it. 3.) Or other nobles attack! Power ranger enemies style and she has to face the truth.

There's a number 4.) and that's she uses her future knowledge from the book and whoops everyone's ass, Joseph Joestar style, and goes, "Next you'll say-" and she had the entire thing under control from the start but that requires a full 180 on her personality but idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this was all an excuse to put my 2nd Jojo reference on this manhwa's comment section. Gotcha.
Aug 31, 2019
Bro, what the fuck ? Why everyone here is only thinking about "survival" ??? Can't you fucking think about Ain's happiness and others ? Well, I guess IT DOESN'T MATTER because it is a FICTIONNAL STORY and you won't ever drink poison in your life. What the fuck is your problem ??? And until now, all actions of the heroine are completely natural, but natural for these who have a heart. It seems like everyone here is willing to let their children drinking poison over and over again until they are completely immune to poison. Yeah, I know, it's important in the story because there are killers and all, bla bla bla... Yeah and so what ? We let him drink poison everyday, each time a stronger poison and let him suffering in silence ?

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