The poison I feel was TOTALLY LEGIT. The guy Trained Hard to get that poison ability, it wasn't a hidden weapon or anything. Not only that, but it was stated that the poison itself was weak, so the Weeb still needed to put in work for it to have the desired effect. So I feel the use of poison was totally legit.
My problem wasn't with the tactic that was used, but with the fact that Rihito was hyped up and his "redemption" after training was supposed to have meaning. If the match really is over and done, it's just NOT SATISFYING AT ALL. There's no catharsis in this loss. We don't get enough of the Weeb to like him as a character more than Rihito or even close to that level. He was introduced in a comical way even. Rihito just keeps losing and that's depressing.
Yes, you can say that his training results are shown in how he battled evenly with one of Purgatory's best. And Yes, he lost by "one move" and all that... but that kinda feels meaningless. It kinda feels like the Author is just trying to go "Hey, look, he's so strong now! He lost, but it was so close, so he got strong." Of course he did... we SAW that he got stronger, but the guy keeps losing after being built up. This is especially true when this is done 2 fights in a row.
I know the story isn't over, but even if he gets an epic moment to shine later... it will feel more like pandering by then than anything.
Eh... I dunno, it just left a bad taste is all.