A Capable Maid - Ch. 44

Mar 27, 2018
Don't worry about your English, mine isn't my first language either 😄😂
But I still think that it was very rude on his part. After all, he should be capable of knowing the difference between a personal matter and a political one. After all, as the saying goes: 'You catch more flies with honey that with vinegar' (or something like that 😂)
Jul 20, 2018
As much as this story has been, from the start, just layers and layers of coincidences, low probability situations and a big twist on logic so the plot can always flow to make Marie shine... I think it was alright with mere suspension of belief, "just fiction" etcetera. I feel like this arch is an enormous mistake because not only the narrative is incredibly hostile towards a real culture (which would be okay in a story we are made ultra aware of the main characters biases, but this only started happening in this arch) but also because bringing a real culture makes the disbelief too ridiculous to not be suspended. Anyone who doesn't turn "eating meat" in a major personality trait or don't have some hatred towards veggies could imagine a thousand ways a meatless meal can be delicious. If the author simply tried Arab food for basic writing research, they'd notice a variety of spices that are most surely halal and definitely not boring. You'd assume a powerful kingdom would have trade routes to obtain spices, which was a big thing at the time period the story suggests to take place on. It could even be an opportunity to Marie shine (all this story is about) by encouraging new trade routes, new products and new allies for the kingdom. But nah, veggies bad.
Jan 6, 2020
So... dude came over to ask for help from another kingdom to keep his from starving but made a huge show over being served MEAT (food) and then has the gal to threaten war if they don't comply with his request?

.....either the writing went to shit in this arc or they need to fire that ambassador because he clearly has no clue what he's doing or talking about.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 1, 2019
I'll give my two cents to everyone complaining about the food thing.

These countries aren't that friendly with each other. The nobles are all the typical pompous fucks with their heads stuck up their own asses. Put these together, and its not hard to figure out that neither of these countries gives a rat's ass about the other country's culture. Meaning they won't know how to deal with them if they complain. Their attitudes towards each other seems to make that fairly obvious, imo.

Also, on the war thing. The nobles are probably eating just fine. In stories where there's a famine with nobility and commoners, the nobles will usually always be fine. Hence why the delegate dude and his groupies look fine. They won't care to send in dying commoners to war. Less mouths to feed if they die in battle. Still not a good idea, but the threat is still there.

Sure, the writing seems to be dropping in quality, but some of these things should just be bloody obvious if you think even a tiny bit. No offense. Stories shouldn't have to give you every single detail on things. 😒

Edit: Also, props to wing-man knight at the end, lol.
May 23, 2019
This arc is How to (NOT) do a diplomacy 101. Great fucking job author, you’ve invented the recipe for diplomatic disaster.
Jun 23, 2020
just let them come for war lmao theyll probably starve on the way
this arc is frustating to read

and the whole culture/religion.....sigh

atleast the art pretty lol

thank you for the chapter!!
Mar 21, 2019
These bitches don't season their food 🤢🤮 I like how marie's big brain idea that needed its own cliffhanger was just "lets make them vegetables" cue everyone's minds exploding 🤯
May 27, 2019
The ambassador is a complete dunce if we're assuming both countries are trying to be on friendly terms, since the threat basically removes the option of giving food unless the prince enjoys looking weak, but if they're trying to justify war for well fed nobles then it makes a bit more sense
Oct 27, 2019
Okay this is just truly pissing me off now. I've had enough of facing Islamophobia on social media now I see this in manhwa too?? -_- This extremely stupid diplomacy wouldn't have bothered me if there wasn't the meat problem due to religion in the last chap -_-
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 15, 2018
Buy me some snacks Give us food and I we will help you as a good brother when in need.
Otherwise prepare for some beating. we will raise an army to get it.

Just the usual neighbourhood country bully. You can't really fight a war when hungry as the morale will be low. And you certainly can't outlast the defender in a siege without supplies.

The plot isn't very well thought out. It could work if the strength of both countries isn't equal but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Jul 7, 2018
Projecting modern values on a fictional fantasy story that's set in another world is completely useless. And even if it was based on our history several hundred years ago - that's how people treated unfamiliar cultures of foreign countries at the time. Just because there are certain parallels doesn't mean it's Islam. And cultural insensitivity showed in the story comes from a place of ignorance rather than malice. So if it's a phobia of any kind, it's xenophobia at worst.

Go virtue signal on Twitter. This isn't the place for it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
That is just it though. His reasoning is full of holes.

-"Give me food or we will declare war"
Ok, you and your dying of starvation army can just go and fuck off then. Hope the hike to the borders doesn't completely ruin your entire territory.

-"You fed us food which goes against our religious beliefs, make this up to us or we will leave."
Says the guy who can't feed his territory, and came unannounced.

-"You help us out now, and we will in the future help you if you need us to."
Sure thing pal, is that help comming before or after you make even more demands later while still threating war? Oh, and exactly how are you planning to help us with your malnourished and soon to be if not already impoverished nation?

If you ask me, this asshole is just looking to start shit so he can either siphon the kingdom of their resources into his own, for free, or an excuse to declare war and not be labeled as being the aggressor. Best answer is to just send him away. There isn't any benefit to helping him at all that is a solid guarentee.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@Eviltwin I suspect the famine is real, but not as severe as it is made out to be. I doubt they are dying in the streets, but very much grumbling.

Food prices are not entirely unrelated to civil unrest, the French Revolution in particular had strong ties to food availability. What happens here though is instead of the leaders and elite who have access to food still becoming the enemy of the common man and targets in an uprising, the empire here becomes the villain that won't help unless they are forced to surrender the resources. It's a way to turn civil unrest into nationalism, mitigating the morale problem.

on the other hand, if they do get the humanitarian aid, then they keep the revolutionaries at bay that way too.
Jul 6, 2019
I love the chapter but I love the comments even more! Everyone is bringing their ded brains back to life and getting information from who knows where. Thank you for the chapter!

Also the knight deserves a raise! Best wingman I've seen
May 23, 2020
So, I am never quite clear - would this be considered blackmail or extortion?
Oct 23, 2019
Eh... so they came here, make a fuss against religious matter and then ask for food.... even 'threatening' to war--
What the hell did I just read. My brain cells dead.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2019
As usual Korean romance authors should stick to doing romance and not try to get into geopolitics cos' they're so bad at it.

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