A Capable Maid - Ch. 50

Apr 6, 2018
Yay, we'll get to see her in action again!

Thanks for the translation 😊
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 3, 2021
I know another powder of happiness, it's also white like sugar
Someone from downtown has a couple bags and they're really expensive due to the enhancing flavors if you get what I mean

Salt sure is expensive when you buy them from supermarkets downtown, they go for so high even though it's salt ;-;
Apr 28, 2020
thanks for the translation!!!

i want to know what marie makes!!!!! like !!!!!! so cool her ability
Apr 17, 2020
Are marie's dreams all based on true events? Or just her illusion? I can't remember lol anyway thank you for the update
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
"Because without sugar, people could no longer bear reality, and they would go mad."
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
This reminds me of a fairytale I read when I was younger and tho I don't remember the title of the book, I remember that it went something like this:

A king had three daughters and one day he gathered them and asked them: "what's the sweetest thing in this world?", at which the eldest said: "it's sugar"; the second's reply was: "it's honey", while the youngest's was: "it's salt". The king, surprised by the answer of the young princess, asked her: "are you sure about it?", at which the princess confidently replied: "yes".
The king, thinking that his daughter was making fun of him, got angry and told her: "then go to a place where sweet things are made with salt!" and kicked* her out of the palace.
After some time, the princess become the wife of a powerful man** and then, one day, they got a notice saying that the king will be visiting them in the future.
Knowing this, she then commanded the chefs not to season any of the dishes to be served with salt, which shocked them but they obeyed anyway.
The day the king arrived, he greeted her as the lady of the house, unable to recognize his own daughter.
After all the pleasantries, the king was escorted to the dinning room for the banquet.
Big was his surprise when he took a bite and couldn't savor the first course because of the lack of salt.
"Maybe the cooks forgot to season the dish...?", was what he thought. But his annoyance grew the farther the banquet went on: it wasn't possible for the chefs to forget to season all the dishes, wasn't it?. And when he was going to point this to his host, the king remembered the long forgotten words of his daughter. Regret washed over him, remembering how hard he was on his own blood and then he lamented: "my daughter was right: salt is the sweetest thing. But now I can't even apologize to her since I don't know her whereabouts"

.....and you can all imagine the rest: sorry for the long comment 😂😅
But... Yes: a pinch of salt sometimes makes sweet things better 🤤

* - couldn't remember a better word for that 😅 (I'm not a notice as you can see)
** - I forgot the details here 😅

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