this chapter was really interesting. I wonder if the magician isnt as he seems. I'm starting to really like the prince lmao. can't wait to see more of marshall
I just really wanna sock that a-hole of a magician/Foreteller. Putting all his messages of the future, worded in some cryptic doom and gloom crap. Hahahaha enough of a rant.
Dont tell me she actually destined become a great magician but causing her to death . The magician who knew tried to make her gave up her dream with difficult lesson
In that sense the magician actually help her ...
Who the hell can find happiness after they desperately struggle??? Is it even worth it? What the point in telling them the future if you don't plan or want them to change for the better?
I have a theory, what if the prophecy told to her was what MIGHT actually happen if our FL didn't regain her memories. I can't say I hate the magician nor I like him, we barely know anything about him except for the fact he taught her and his villainy face LOL
Are you saying his prophecy saw a future outcome cause by the protagonist current incarnation but without taking her past memories into account? That would make sense.
What was the setting for this world again? Was it a novel? I have forgotten honestly?