A Returner's Magic Should Be Special

Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
Original translators were great and doing fine until they got hit with a Cease & Desist letter and were threatened with legal action from the Korean web publishers. They spooked and dropped.

Then came another group, known for doing WSJ series a little bit slower than their main competition. But then WSJ started releasing free officially translated scans online. The competitors dissolved, since they were basically only doing WSJ. The second group limped on, changing their focus to Korean manwha instead of Japanese manga. But this series had the bad timing of starting a Namek-ish story arc right before taking a Season 1 -> Season 2 break and people lost interest and the second group was caught being too slow when s2 started back up again. They're still around, but probably dropped this series for good.

Current group is acceptable and usually good about releasing within a day or two of raw release. They jumped on this series when the second group wasn't able to release fast enough for the fickle crowds. But there's an official translation for this series now (albeit 90 chapters behind) and I think they hit MD directly for hosting this series, so MD did MD things and wiped the series from their servers. The third group might soon also be getting those nasty emails, as well.

My apologies for not using direct names of the groups or websites. I do appreciate their work and efforts and am trying not to make it too easy for the legal hounds to find them. Although, I must admit a simple websearch or visit to another aggregate hosting site would probably get you to the newest releases.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
Same Energy
Dex-chan lover
Oct 6, 2019
@Trident Thanks for the summary of events! Personally I believe people will always try to get shit for free, the more you persecute someone, the deeper they will go. So bad move on the Korean publishers. I mean other websites (that shall not be named) and groups (that also shall not be named) are still doing this series.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
at me in 6 months, I read up until Ch. 110
Basically what happened from Season 1 end to Season 2 Ch. 110:
Desir & friends went to Romantica's home country to do a talk with a bunch of other countries
One of the other countries kings leaves the talk like Silver Sword in Log Horizon
Outsider terrorists (one of them is crow dude kai chisaki from MHA) summon Godzilla but Desir uses gigantic magic spell to kill it, but loses function in his left eye
"Silver Sword in LH" of this manga is found out to be one of the Outsider terrorists (outsiders were originally revolutionaries but have now turned to evil)
Desir & friends go back to school, and noble students act like Desir & friends are shit - new goal for Desir is to uproot commoner/noble system and change it
Desir & friends go into a dungeon along with the shitty noble students and they end up meeting each other, and spear noble student challenges Desir to a duel
BIG BOI CHONK centipede suddenly appears and that's how the chapter ends.
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2018
@Trident MD throws DMCAs notices down the drain and won't mention receiving any.
If the chapters were removed it's because the groups that had the rights over these chapters have chosen to remove them (because unless the group is officially inactive, on MangaDex, they have the right to publish or choose to not publish their chapters on MD and to ban anyone from hosting them here as well, with MD's support).

If these groups were indeed sent a Cease-and-Desist, they must have chosen to remove them from both their websites AND from MD, to avoid any complications in the future for themselves.
MD is hosted by hosts that shreds DMCAs into the bin as they're not obliged to comply with DMCAs.

I swear your "MD did MD things" really irks me. What shady things have MD ever done to deserve that kind of cheap talk from you ? MD is the only aggreg where the scanlators have full control over their work and not a single official scan is allowed here (unless it's legally hosted, which, you guessed, would most likely never happen), it's all about scanlation.

edit: Trident didn't mean it the way I understood, we got in contact in PMs so it's perfectly fine. Still, we are both fine with leaving the comments as is, to clear any misunderstanding about the whole matter.
Fed-Kun's army
May 15, 2018
I hate that fight with the revolutionary captain. "Im gonna cast multiple super tier magics and fight against this grand wizards, then summon a demon to destroy the country, and still have enough mana left to go 12 rounds with this expert school team, oh out of mana? lemme pull out another item, oh item useless now? lemme pull out this mana that i saved up. Oh dang out of that too? Lemme just split and cause more trouble for the future. smh
Jan 24, 2018
@M4nato Not anymore, it's got an "official" translation now so they took down all their old translations. Only leave the two most recent at a time up now.
Sep 26, 2018
@shyning altough MD do link to official releases from MangaPlus. Yeah, you cant read on mangadex but its kinda official stuff on mangadex.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 13, 2020
@jameaney @Saronite How is it now at the recent chapter? I read it until ch 70 but left it when it seemed like
desir x adjest was going to be a thing instead of romantica. It wasnt that I was rooting for romantica, it's just that I didnt like adjest that much. I just saw spoilers from the novel and it seems like
desir x adjest is confirmed
so should i keep reading this even after this. Is the story worth it? I really did like it, even the 1st shadow world arc which some people found boring that's why I want a reason to continue this. Do they develop Adjests character more?? Cuz at this point she's my least favorite. Even lower than pram.
Fed-Kun's army
May 15, 2018
@Mai_loves_icecream im pretty bad at commenting on manga my tastes are pretty shit, but i'd say its worth it? it held my attention, the only thing that i didnt like was what i commented. i guess im just waiting for it to get better? its tittering
Jan 24, 2018
@Mai_loves_icecream They aren't really clear on who the winning girl is gonna be at this point. I'm a few chapters behind though since I don't read week to week and they just removed all the past chapters so I'll need to go somewhere else to read. I would say that's not really the focus of the story though. He's trying to save everyone he knew and Romantica died early the first go around so he seems to care more about her well being because Adjest "died" with him right in the final battle so he never really "lost" her like Romantica.

It may develop more later on. But right now I don't think he sees anyone as a love interest.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

according to a few wiki pages and some comment threats i read, it seems that
was the winning girl.
But i have not read a single chapter so this is all from other peoples comments.
Personally i'm a bit disappointed as i was rooting for the other girl, i like her much more.
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2018
@Hurokun it's completely different and your statement makes no sense as such (it's not on MD... but it's on MD).
You are not allowed to host any official scans on MD, that's it.
MD redirects to MangaPlus for some official series because MangaPlus hosts for free these chapters, on their website (and they are official).
They are not hosted on MD in any way or form, MD instead is inviting readers to go read these chapters on MangaPlus instead of using other aggregators to do so because there's an actual legal and free way to do so. MD is completely in favor of supporting official releases (direct links to buy the series on their main page, etc) and hence, completely against hosting official releases (unless the editor is somehow fine with it, won't happen tho).
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019

Holy shit what a Trash, I'm glad I drop it, not to mention everything is all split up now. Last time I read, it's
the part where some edgy guy summon a gigantic monster in a volcano island or something, and I thought "Finally, SOMETHING finally happens", but nope, back to school again, back to boring dungeon again, back to commoner vs royal drama again
Apr 2, 2018
i visited a few aggregator web looking for this manga...
and boi lets just say that we're blessed to have MD...
Apr 22, 2020
I really wish someone would just translate all the chapters and put them on here. I don't care if it's already licensed to Tappytoon or whatever, they're only up to chapter 20 or 30 something, and from what I've heard, the translations are bad.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 6, 2018
@Grammade 100% agreed. Many people on this site really do take MD for granted and just don't understand how much MD separates the chaff from the wheat while also giving options that many other aggregators just don't have. Not to mention, MD, just like Batoto--its progenitor--actually cares about the scanlation groups and generally is more in favor with them, while also trying to make the reader's experiences here that much better. Far, far more than literally every other manga aggregator website. There are always exceptions, but so far, the only groups I've ever seen that have pulled their stuff from MD that weren't for officially licensed reasons were groups that were monetizing their releases in whatever way they could, outside of just people donating for source material, and were generally just greedy and wanted more money/clicks flowing to their websites. Champion Scans comes to mind immediately...which dissolved so fucking fast after moving all their stuff off MD that I'm surprised the group leader didn't suffer from whiplash and possible broken neck lol Needless to say, they don't exist anymore, though I don't know how good the group that was formed from Champion Scans is doing...and frankly don't care anyway since the leader is a piece of shit lol I'll never understand people that just don't understand just how much free marketing MangaDex is.

Sadly, there are a massive amount of people who are ungrateful bastards that either don't know--or even worse, don't care--about all of the time, effort, and out-of-pocket funds scanlators have to deal with just to get out something that they think people would enjoy reading. It's amazing how entitled people can be about something people can get for free while also disrespecting what they currently have.

Hilariously, this is often the case with people whose English is hilariously broken and nearly unintelligible lol

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