Oh nooo! I hope the author recovers soon, but their health is more important than my monthly diabetes dose.
I'll patiently wait for the next release, thank you so much for the chapters and picking this up after everyone dropped it! You are a saint!
I doubt anyone will see this here but our group is currently kinda bottlenecked with work atm but I will prioritise this next chapter (released last Friday but I only got the raws last night). I just hope I don't get sniped LOL, not that that really matters to me though
1. Shinanochinokuru
2. Elementary school student Emmoto Emumi's free-spirited life
3. I drew the daily life of RAB (Real Akiba Boys)
4. How to make a girl in love
5. Ugly Prostitute
It's no. 1 on "List of Nominated Titles". It's probably from no. 1 on "new" releases considering Psyren is 10th at voting poll which is an old manga.