Aishiteru Game wo Owarasetai - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - The childhood friends steel their resolves

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
I cannot believe he thought it was a good idea to trash-talk Yukiya to her AND was stunned that she was upset about it. What an idiot. Also what is "will you cheer for me?" even supposed to mean?? And why did she then suddenly act nice to the guy again, "please get to know him better".

I don't understand the whole head-to-head competition thing. Why does Yukiya have to care so much about competing against this guy. I hate this fake drama.
Because he sees him as a romantic rival, thats why he care so much about winning. Common emotions really
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
I have no idea why the words "sono", "bisque" and "doll" just popped into my head
That buckethead guy got that sore loser vibe who kept chasing his dreams even tho he know that he's already outrunned by it. Kind of those pick up artist grabbing girls hand even when she said no.
Well, it's relatively common..
he is really one of those cringeyass pick-up beta trash
Active member
Jun 24, 2023
Welp, now that's stuck in my head. Thanks. (-_-)7
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 18, 2018
Thanks for the translation!

Back off bro! She's not into you, damn.

Fuck, I really love that subtle eroticism on this author's work.

"If I win I want to get our pocky game everyday!"

Really wish it got doujin that can match the art and hoping the author win the "vote this series into anime" he tweeted before.
Aggregator gang
Jun 20, 2020
Anyone who's thinking someone else other than him as a lame person, then that jackass is the lame one, when someone thinking he's more handsome than anyone else, then he's stupid af, because this world doesn't resolve around you, you're nothing but insignificant being, if you compare yourself with Leonardo Di Caprio you're nothing but ugly sh*t
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 11, 2023
I really dislike this kind of development, at least it's not like the fireworks trope and this time only we, the readers, weren't able to hear what he said. That doesn't cause tension, authors, it's only annoying.
"I really dislike this kind of development" lol, it's literally just a cliff hanger. It's not about "tension" it's purely about being excited for the next/following chapters, which I definitely am now...
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2023
Damn it, this series was so good, why did it go for such a lame scenario as "confession after pointless show of some physical capabilities at a shitty sport whatever", if this arc is the one that gets them dating it would really be meaningless, a confession when they were at the playground 4/5 chapters ago would have been more fitting.
The vibes of them getting more and more on edge by playing that endless 1vs1 ofthe "I love you game" were so much better, I am disappointed that it drifted away so much from the beginning.

Still, thank you very much for the chapter!
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
And he's gonna lose the race, pathetically so. This shit is so ass
Group Leader
Oct 18, 2023
Next chapter is a bonus chapter 💀 we will have to wait until the 15th March for chapter 50
Active member
May 6, 2023
My testicular instinct is feeling he said "please go out w/me if I win" and lose later but probably still confess anyways
given the plot of the story saying "say i love you to me" makes more sense, if not its a missed opportunity in my opinion
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2019
My guy is starting to man up, nice. Now he needs to embrace it and apply it slowly with grease more often until it becomes second nature, it may take a few years but thats how you become confident and not socially awkward, literally fake it till you make it kinda thing
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2023
My testicular instinct is feeling he said "please go out w/me if I win" and lose later but probably still confess anyways

I bet he said:
If I win, I want to end this "I love you" game

Basically, a title drop (or similar).

It seems to me to be the best possible thing the author could have him say especially given all the secrecy.

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