Akumade Amai Watashi no Kanojo - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - A Love too sweet

Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
Someone liked my comment and I regrettably decided to check what this comment section has been up to lately… :aquadrink: :aquadrink: :aquadrink: :aquadrink: :aquadrink:

Do people have a different idea of what succubus is supposed to be? As far as I know, it’s pretty well-known that sex to them doesn’t hold the same value as to humans… And even if she is half-demon and doesn’t need it as sustenance, think of it that way: You like fast food and the fact it’s bad for your health doesn’t stop you from eating it when you crave it, does it? Plus do you really think she grew up in a household that was all “no you can’t sleep around as a half-succubus, you need to ask as a proper human”? Why would her parents, her mom specially, force her to deny her own nature just because she isn’t pure-blooded? Again, sex is not the same to a succubus as it is to a human, and being “only half” doesn’t make her a regular human. I’m gonna bet her mom, who probably fell in love with a male human and didn’t kill him because of that, thinks her daughter should be free to find out what she wants to do with those powers she has. It’s not like she could reprimand her for behaving like a demon…

Also, when she said that those greedy pricks who only want to take away deserve to have their vitality stolen just emphasises how much kissing or going all the way is just the means to an end to her. It’s clear from the get-go that she has no idea what romance means… And that’s the point of the character. And I’d even dare argue it’s the damn point the author wants to make with making the love interest an inherently sexual supernatural being who, in her case, doesn’t understand relationships beyond the physical aspect.

She’s a demon, she finds it fun to make people she thinks are bad suffer and as a bonus she gets to eat something tasty (as if she’s getting some fries for free or smth). Move on, y’all. :haa:

The biphobia part I won’t even argue if someone replies to me, that’s just people on the internet being bigoted. It’s as if the sapphic experience was limited to gold star lesbians or women with comphet who leave their icky husbands/boyfriends.
Bisexuals feel the hardships of same-sex attraction in our homophobic society all the same as gay/lesbians, besides everyone’s experience on that is unique, and being attracted to more than two genders does not make one bound to be unfaithful because “they’ll get tired of you because you can’t offer what they are in the mood for now”. It’s 2024, guys. 2024.

I do wonder if people here would be cheering she slept around with just woman as if that wouldn’t make her any less “promiscuous” (by whatever standards are those that y’all have, since she was single and could do what she wanted). This ain’t even yuri purism, this is prejudice at it’s finest.

Anyways, Chapter 2 and 3 have been really cute so far. And according to the raws the only real drama that showed up so far was the— [SHOTGUN SOUNDS]
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 2, 2019
Read rule 1.
Bisexuals feel the hardships of same-sex attraction in our homophobic society all the same as gay/lesbians, besides everyone’s experience on that is unique, and being attracted to more than two genders does not make one bound to be unfaithful because “they’ll get tired of you because you can’t offer what they are in the mood for now”. It’s 2024, guys. 2024.
They literally do not. Bisexuals do not go through the same shit homosexuals do. Even in places where homosexuality is accepted bisexuals are far more sexually promiscuous than gays or straight people and will end up with straight relationships 90% of the time. Bisexuals are also far less likely to experience anti-queer hate than gay men or lesbians.

Succubus is just a slut with extra steps. Hope MC is up to date on her vaccines.
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Apr 21, 2024
Story quality is 100% subjective, and I’m not a literature major huffing my own farts to pretend otherwise. What matters to me is the yuri, and the yuri is always improved by replacing bisexuals with lesbians.

This is the inherent, undeniable truth when you have lesbian characters.
bro is most definitely a sweaty loser who fetishizes lesbians 💀
Jul 13, 2024
I really lost interest in reading, because that bitch was always playing with men, which made Yuri's story not so pure as it was tainted
Dex-chan lover
Nov 23, 2018
Damn, a lot of fetishists obsessed with virginity got upset by the bisexual succubus. Anyway, this looks like a treat for the rest of us who actually like yuri!

Lily can read a person's character from a kiss, and those guys were selfish lovers. She loved the taste of their vitality because they wanted to take something from her (i.e. use her body for sex without caring about her pleasure, which is an all too common attitude regarding sex), but she turned the table on them by taking something from them instead. If all you get from this is "she likes casual sex with men" (which would not be a bad thing by itself) and nothing else, you missed the whole point of her backstory.
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Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2020
Damn, a lot of fetishists obsessed with virginity got upset by the bisexual succubus. Anyway, this looks like a treat for the rest of us who actually like yuri!

Lily can read a person's character from a kiss, and those guys were selfish lovers. She loved the taste of their vitality because they wanted to take something from her (i.e. use her body for sex without caring about her pleasure, which is an all too common attitude regarding sex), but she turned the table on them by taking something from them instead. If all you get from this is "she likes casual sex with men" (which would not be a bad thing by itself) and nothing else, you missed the whole point of her backstory.
The problem isn't the bi, it's the order of events.

She goes "When we kissed it was the best taste ever", then goes off to fuck the guys (which must be the order of events because they were fine the previous day but suddenly all go MIA) and then goes back and goes "I'm in love with you". Even if we assume she didn't lie and actually went home for the night, how do you go from everyone being friendly one day, to suddenly finding out she was banging all 3 in a single night?

If she was a slut and then discovered the power of yuri, then it would be another thing, the issue was that she was a slut in the middle of it.
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Sep 27, 2024
are we sure she slept with them? i guess it is very implied but maybe there's a chance she just kissed.. but i doubt it.
i don't care that she's bi, i'd actually expect that from a succubus; its the fact i was looking for something wholesome and instantly being ntr'd wasn't what i was wanted (cry)
hopefully i dont get hated on for not liking this aspect of the story lol. some of these comments are crazy (from both ends)

(to me the series of events looked like she kissed with her and then slept with the 3 guys)

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