Oof... Well FL is a classist jerk, fiancee-san is a cheating jerk and also a jerk because ruining company relations also screws over other people, and the other girl is a petty jerk.
With FL, yah she’s a jerk but... I don’t think she went out of her way to mess with people for the heck of it.
She got offended because she thought that other girl was making a rude comparison. Unjustifiably so, but somehow making that assumption wasn’t completely irrational. She deserves fair punishment but losing her bf and dying? She’s just another b—, not an evil person.
Even if someone did something petty or mean, isn’t it better just to move on? How good of a person are you if you go out of your way to steal a fiancee and trick a guy to get revenge for someone tossing your book and saying something mean? She was being kind of a b— too. But then again it comes with a cost... social circles will gossip about her, BF-kun will likely be a repeat offender in the cheating department, her MIL will likely hate on her. Also pregnancy hurts. So... Who’s the real winner?
The dude was the biggest b— and the comments suggest he’ll become a even bigger one.
Well I still have high hopes because reasons?