It must be an error on page 12. Dialogues should be swapped: "Naturally. Rather, we need him to reach..." and "Next is the Saintess, right? As I recall, in the neighboring country of Bast-". The latter is interrupted by the "Oi."Uh, what is that priest saying? First he says the priestess is in a neighbouring country, then knight talks about heroes, and priest tells him to watch his mouth and the priestess is from their country nudge nudge wink wink - but knight never said anything aobut priestess? And following that he thinks "she's from wealthy merchant class" followed directly by "tch she's a slum orphan"?
Those kids were entirely awake, no napping involved. Even if they were having a nightmare at the same time.i mean. you did kidnap those two guys hitting on the girls, though. thats legally what happened, you took them to another location against their will. that crime is called kidnapping