him being part of the choices in the game was a thing, so Emin pulled Bakarina moves and everybody was unto her... sadly we never knew the brother was a POS too, like holy shiet, didn't even visit a single time, he wanted for Emi to wait for him for years in exile to then "save" her?
I would say it was the most unexpected part of the chapter, it wasn't bad at all.
we got some good dan avidan interactions again and Angel pulling the execution card swiftly in a kingly manner, remember he is only clumsy when it comes to Emi, every other time he's the ultimate humanoid boss.
9.5/10 here is a good rank for such a good and precise series.
Pretty sure it's been like a year at most, Remis been speed running shit. Doesn't make the step bros plan of "letting Remi wallow in disgrace for years so I can swoop in to make her my kept woman," plan any better, but it never got off the ground since our girl was too boss.
It's so funny that what Remilia is saying at the end is what a typical goody-two-shoes would say in this situation but her ulterior motives are completely warped. At this rate Pina is about to end up like Stockman in TMNT 2003.
Yeah I think is also why Angel's lie detector isnt going off since Remi's final lines are peak Mean Girl. "wow your life must've been so pathetic."
Says a lot about Remis acting/knowledge of lighting (oh look the musical experience is kinda relevant here!) she could say that and not come across as a massive biatch.
There you have it, many WN readers said that pina's influenze is not brainwashing, and Claude offered in this chapter the proof of it
Honestly I think it's a bit much to outright say "no brainwashing." Being forced to like someone you'd otherwise not gives me the heebie jeebies. However I agree it's not really an excuse. Liking two people who hate each other doesn't mean you have to be an asshole to one of them.
Like even a generous reading of the original LI's actions is kinda damning. Let's say having their "Pina Affection" set abnormally high to the point they "have" to believe her (typically humans trust people we like) when she says Remi is a crazy murderer. After the cognitive dissonance of "I like these two, but one of them says the other is a monster," is resolved forcibly into believing the claims, the logical reaction would be idk calling the guards to apprehend and lock away the murdereress. Not have a giant public rigamorale that ends with Remi humiliated but free to idk murder some servants in exile instead.
Tldr when you think about it the starting denoucement event was pretty much geared for maximal humiliation and no practical purpose. Like she walks away free and able to idk start murdering again if you take the accusations at face value. Therefore the original LI's actions show they aren't taking the "attempted murder" that seriously and came into the denouncmemt with the specific goal of "hurt Remi." Which is completely on them.