Akuyaku Reijou no Tsuihougo! - Vol. 4 Ch. 16 - Escape From the Birdcage of Fate

Active member
Apr 25, 2018
Yeah ok, seriously trying to kill someone and then attempted rape isn't something that you can just brush off with a "haha, he's just a silly kid". Shit's fucked.
Active member
Oct 5, 2020

i trust there is no need for captions
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
I know that this is such a BS conclusion. Let's just say that the FMC is just that OP
Dec 28, 2020
Im rereading again after I quit. I still can't accept it. They really act like sexual assault is so trivial.
Jun 13, 2020
take a good look at this manga genre dude! don't just judge like that! this manga not even about killing or something like that at all! so i think it's fine as long it's worth to enjoy it.
sorry for my bad english
Double-page supporter
Jan 27, 2021
I like how half the current comments are complaining about how a crowned prince got off scot-free. For an attempted rape of a commoner. In a middle-age setting.
Even if she were still a noble, it would hardly matter. As long as the family was compensated, normally monetarily, it was entirely a noble's rite. This case, a royal's rite.

Is it archaic? Yes
Should you be mad? Yes
Is the manga worse because of this? No
Also the attempted murder of a high noble who leads the knights...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
What the ever living feck, yandere prince attempts murder (without batting an eye so hes done it before), assaults and sexually assault FMC, attempts to raoe and at the end I'm supposed to believe that Knight boy wouldn't chop him in half from all this? No consequences trying to KILL another countries Noble in a military position.

I'm to believe FMC believes its her fault when all of this is on yhe yandere prince, she didnt make him act like that. Also I'm to believe yandere prince would just stop?

Its real obvious why this series got the axe cause my god what a terrible arc.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2020
No for real put his ass in the ground and play it off like an accident. People die from hunting accidents all the time remember? Dumb ass fucking contrivances because the author suddenly wanted to write a reverse harem. Lets go find the author and break their kneecaps
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
Eeew... attempted rape? Disgusting.
But you know what's more disgusting? It's you modern readers who are forcing your own standard to an early post-medieval world setting where such things happening frequently. In fact, royalties of the olden days were much worse. Good, good, better to just drop it if you cannot stomach it. Or what? You sending the author some death threats? Then you are not so different from criminals yourself.

Anyway, It seems Lord Alphonse got shot by an arrow in the knee...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Eeew... attempted rape? Disgusting.
But you know what's more disgusting? It's you modern readers who are forcing your own standard to an early post-medieval world setting where such things happening frequently. In fact, royalties of the olden days were much worse. Good, good, better to just drop it if you cannot stomach it. Or what? You sending the author some death threats? Then you are not so different from criminals yourself.

Anyway, It seems Lord Alphonse got shot by an arrow in the knee...
Who sent death threats?

It's not that the things happened thats the issue, it's the consequences for it all and how out of character some of the characters have been over it, we are supposed to believe Knight boy wouldn't have chopped that prince in half? Theres no consequences at all to a Royal attempting to kill the top military guy from another country? Like that can't be swept away and is why people are spitting the dummy (Like me) nothing to do with "modern readers"
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
Who sent death threats?

It's not that the things happened thats the issue, it's the consequences for it all and how out of character some of the characters have been over it, we are supposed to believe Knight boy wouldn't have chopped that prince in half? Theres no consequences at all to a Royal attempting to kill the top military guy from another country? Like that can't be swept away and is why people are spitting the dummy (Like me) nothing to do with "modern readers"
Nobody would believe a single victim's testimony when there was no witness around, no matter the era. The knight will be at risk for being blamed instead if he actually cut the prince. If that's not enough, the supposed villainous ex-noble girl will also take the blame and the two of them will be executed. The weight is not the same. A random knight from another country who died in attempt to protect a royalty, vs a prince who died while another country's knight and a church sister cannot explain why there is a wound from a blade slash on the prince body.
The author is just bad at giving conclusion. But the logic is still acceptable.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2020
I fully agree that he is scum and the author kind of brushed everything under the rug but... what CAN she do? He's the prince, and in the bad ending she knows, he is insane enough to lock her up, hide her away, and do terrible things to her. On top of that she now thinks he's still following the game's logic of "He never broke up with her so he's still Yandere for her" So from her point of view it's either fight an insane, possibly murderous(She doesnt know he tried to kill Leon), royal. Best way to handle it would be to defuse the situation

In the real world If they had fought back and hurt/killed him, the leads would be executed for going against a Noble, much less the crown prince. It'd be the word of 2 commoners (One being a high ranking member of the military of a foreign nation, so add Assassination to the charges) VS the word of the Crown Prince. He could easily say "They attacked me. Kill him, lock her up!" And no one would think anything of it when she disappears from her cell to wind up in a different cage.

Honestly, I'm disappointed in how they handled it, and feel that playing into the "These are game characters. They follow their coding." is a big problem in these "Reincarnated as an otome villainess" Manga, especially when it's like this and a character is very obviously going against the plot (Leon falling for her and following her). It's much better when the characters are treated as people that are copies of a game character. Even if the game events HAPPEN, since the MC is a different person than in the game, the characters make the choice to defend her instead of immediately condemning a girl who, as far as they have seen, is a literal saint.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
What a lot of people are neglecting to account for is that the most bowlcut was EVER going to get for this would be a light slap on the wrist. THE MOST. Expecting him to be punished according to modern social standards (of western first world countries) is utter insanity.

It would be more realistic for Elizabeth to end up jailed or executed for attempted seduction of the prince (or burned as a witch) even though it was 100% Michel's fault and Liz didn't want it. And that without accounting for the fact that she headbutted him in the face. That would be an instant death penalty. Most likely the only reason it isn't is that she is an Ex-Noble of formerly high rank, or possibly the protection of the church (the other big power).

Plus Shoujo / Josei content is always riddled with casual sexual assault, and no there aren't consequences for it even when it is portrayed in a modern society. Of course there should be, but there isn't. Cultural differences, no doubt. It is almost always treated lightheartedly, as it is in this series.

I'm not making light of the events portrayed. And obviously anyone is entitled to WANT consequences for the shitty bowlcut prince... but EXPECTING them when there was no way in any sort of hell he was going to suffer consequences for his actions is just stupid.

It is more bizarre that Leonid hasn't been executed already.

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