This might be late, but may I introduce you to the cult of Andrew Tard?First, are Japanese men really like this? I mean you see it all the time in manga and anime, the popular guy just can't seem to take no for an answer and seems to think that his social status and looks are all he needs to get the girl.
youshin will prick the jock-ass with "thousands of years of pain."Give this duel a shot, folks. I don't think Youshin is going to play fair and instead will outsmart the prick.
MC, you're an idiot.
Nanami isn't forced to do shit. It's a wager between two guys. At most losing the match would mean Youshin might feel obligated to break up with her, but no can force you to date someone you don't want toshibetsu got DESTROYED with FACTS and LOGIC
Youshin really shouldn't have accepted the duel even if it's out of pity, if he loses it'd mean Nanami's forced to go out with that idiot