Anata ga Shitekurenakute mo - Vol. 3 Ch. 23

Active member
Jul 17, 2020
F to Niina's wife... at least in her case You cheated first making them even? Idk man, this angst is seriously messing me up but I can't stop reading it!!! Ty for the update.
Active member
Mar 20, 2019
It's like watching a car accident happen in slow motion

Get couples therapy, all of ya'll
Feb 5, 2020
It makes me uncomfortable when he says “I love you”, but isn’t thinking about getting a divorce..... tbh, I hope all of them can be happy. Even if the cheated, they are pitiful
Oct 22, 2019
This will be a spoiler up to ch 45

Michi and Niina didn't do it, because she unknowingly cried and they stopped. Her co-worker, the girl who had crush on Niina realized about Michi and Niina relationship, but didn't rattle her about it and just accepted she lost to Michi easily.

Michi thought she must put an end to this chaotic relationship. Much time later she told Niina they shouldn't meet anymore, which he complies. Although Niina now seemed to have his mind only thinking about Michi instead of his wife, Kaede. Kaede later sensed that something was wrong and decided to do her duty as wife and asked Niina to go out eat at the restaurant he proposed her (iirc), when they got back Kaede told him that he could do it with her but then Niina thought of Michi and apologized to Kaede that he couldn't do it now, she told him it was alright.

On youichi, michi's husband, side, it seemed that his and Michi relationship got better, but no. He was still pressured and his thing couldn't stand even after several times they tried. At one point, he finally snapped and told Michi about the pressure that's been weighing him down. Michi realized now that how much pressure that he had. As she cried alone, Niina saw her and tried to comfort her but after some talk they agreed that they should remain as co-worker from now on.

Youichi then had a talk with Mijima, the girl he had an affair before, and sorting things out, and they also finally could put their feelings for the better. Youichi for his guilt, while Mijima for her feeling towards him (she didn't tell him tho). Anyway, Michi tried to talk to Youichi after that and apologized for pressuring him, and everhthing seemed fine. They went to a restaurant later on and really, I thought this would be the end. But no. Michi resolved herself to change because she felt that while the others tried to move forward only she stayed the same. So she tried to dress better, and even joim an after work party with her company. This, however, put a suspicion grew in Youichi. He thought that maybe she met a man outside. Even though Michi just purely wanted to change herself for the better.

Meanwhile Niina and Kaede, when he said he had something to talk with her, she just said that he must've cheated on her. Which he couldn't deny. But she also said that it must be because of her, and as a man, he needed to relieve his pent up stress one or two times. Hearing that, Niina said that he never had that kind of relationship with Michi (he didn't said her name though). Though he denied of doing that kind of thing, it still didn't remove the fact that he was cheating. Dunno how they continhed this talk, but later on at work, Kaede couldn't let her mind off this. She thought that it was her own fault. And if Niina was just having a physical relationship with another woman, she could forgive her, but it seemed that she noticed that Niina had a feeling towards this other woman.

Back to Youichi, he asked Mijima to go eat with him. They talked, I wasn't focused what they were talking but in the end, when they were going back, Mijima suddenly hugged him from behind and confessed that she likes him. And that's the end of chapter 45.
Notes that this spoiler is not 100% exact as I just read a japan summary of each chapter but it's really just this frustrating. They should go to counseling.
Sep 26, 2019
I know that everyone hates all the characters in this manga but be a bit more understanding, these two are in relationships where there isnt any kind of feeling anymore. The Fl tried her best but in the she got cheated on before they could even have sex. And I am pretty sure she is a bit aware of it. And for the ML its even worse because he has a wife that doesn’t even try to be understanding, she is so focused on her work that she just neglects him. And when he tries to talk to her about it or like try to go on a date in order to fix their relationship she just keeps messing up. I am not even surprised that this happened. I am aware that they are just using each other to satisfy their needs but they are both in relationships that don’t satisfy them anymore. They tried to make it work but their partners are either too neglectful or selfish to even try to make their relationship work. At least this is in my opinion.
Jul 30, 2018
An update !!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank youuuuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️😊
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 10, 2019
@rink0_ looks like this train is gonna be slowly torturing everyone, the characters and us readers eh. I can't seem to get off this train tho.
Aug 15, 2020
Maybe because from their point of view is easier to cheat, though I think they all believe they don't have proper reason to give to their partners before asking for a divorce, aside of course of the stigma of being a childless divorcee in your thirties.

In You and Michi's case since the beginning he has no problem with the status of their relationship, so he won't ask and for Michi even thought she's frustrated for their lack of intimacy You hasn't done anything "bad enough" for her to ask him for divorce (she doesn't know he cheated on her).

In Niina and his wife case, she's so absorbed in her work to care about anything else and even thought she realizes her marriage is going down the drain is still not a priority for her, so she won't ask and in his case he seems so resigned to his dysfunctional marriage that he doesn't think divorce is a solution, I think he's the kind of guy that won't get a divorce unless their new partner ask them for it to be able to formalize their new relationship.
May 26, 2018
So basically no one besides Michi changes by that point. What the heck, just get divorces y’all.
Oct 22, 2019
@daijiobu yeah, it will. When you think everything will be good and all, nope, it's not over yet.

I think everyone did try to change. Niina tried to face his wife. Kaede tried to be at least a proper wife, she tried to cook, invite him to go out. Youichi tried to respond Michi's invitation. But there's just this something that held them back.
In Niina's case, his wife told him first that she knew he was cheating and that he still had this lingering for Michi. In Kaede, she still can't balance her job and family, and even after confronting her husband, she suspected that Niina had feeling for other woman and she was scared of it. While Youichi had this pressure on him that he couldn't embrace Michi. After he told her everything it seemed like their relationship got betyer tho. Still, Michi's change was weird for him that he suspected she's cheating. But he couldn't say anything because what he did with Mijima before.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018
actually burst out laughing at the suggestive overflowing teacup metaphor, so hamfisted KEKW
Apr 7, 2020
I'm not comfortable with this. I hope they stop here, before anything happens.
When will everyone find out?!?!!
Jun 29, 2019
@Tsuki09 huh? Even if they have their specif marriages, from the point you have feelings or the desire to have someone else you are cheating. It doens't have to be fisical, just so you know cheating is a lot more expanded than it. This is enough reason to get a divorce, especially the girl and her husband who had sex with another woman! If you like someone else or want to be embraced by another person than it is a good reason to have a divorce or break up. Have a good day.

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