10/10 Cuteness
10/10 Sweetness
10/10 Art
10/10 Chill story
Add it all up -> 10/10 Manga. It's math you can't argue with it.
Fangirling aside, what's with high schoolers in manga/anime (or actual Japan, idk how it is over there) working more hours than I do at my grown-up ass regular job?? Like, I was just thinking the other day while watching Yuru Camp about how the girls there also have all this trouble finding a day where they can go camping together cause they all work like crazy and here Segawa also has almost no time during *summer break* to meet with Koumoto? (her ✨girlfriend✨, can we call her that already? I wanna call her that lol) What the hell! Real life, please, let these girls date in peace!
With that said, as always, thanks for the translation and I'm gonna leave this here for everybody to enjoy it once more: