@Boomburst I never said Mutually Assured Destruction is the ideal defense plan, but it keeps the majority of asshole bosses alive the majority of the time. Plus it's a background kind of thing, not an active plan. It's just habitual power abuse because bullshitting has gotten him this far, why wouldn't it continue to work for him against this vagrant drifter. I'm not saying he's clever, he's very much not. but his position is historically secure. This sort of bullshit has worked in the past, and it's because he's not clever that he doesn't realize that he ISN'T the biggest dog in the room.
I'm not saying this is smart, it's not. But this is a man with an overinflated sense of self-importance and power who is face to face with someone who is outrageously powerful to the point that the goddamned SENTIENT DOOMSDAY ARTIFACT is flabbergasted. I doubt this moronic lord could wrap his head around how strong our MC is. Plus, this noble hasn't SEEN the legion of golems, only heard and it's also possible that he only paid attention to that the bandits were caught. He doesn't strike me as the type to actually read reports or listen to his subordinates if there isn't gold involved.