Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Break the horn, break the fang.

Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
What are you implying the "reality" of the USS Liberty incident is? That the Israelis decided to torpedo a US navy vessel for funsies in the middle of the six day war despite the US being one of their biggest supporters? And that they were so hyped about doing so they paid over 68 million in reparations? What could they possibly have stood to gain from doing this deliberately. You think America would've sided with
Soviet backed Egypt in the middle of the Cold War? You think people are still gonna fall for your dog whistles in 2020? He doesn't have a liberty pfp because he's upset that 34 american soldiers died in the 60s, he doesn't give a shit about them. He has one so that other neo nazis know he's one of them.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Just parroting what the other guy said. This isn't just murder by words anymore. This is disintegration level destruction man. Good job my dude.

Take the L dude. There's no comeback for that lol.
Aug 11, 2020
I am claiming that Israel did not attack the Liberty in error but for some perceived gain on their part. Even the wikipedia article, specifically under (Ongoing controversy and unresolved questions) will lead you on the path of alternative theories. It is not merely crackpots or neo-nazis that believe that event was more than the Israelis claim. "I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous." --Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State. Or you could specifically look at Israel's clear lack of trustworthiness from my American perspective. You know what with the spying incidents (google it) or the existence of Mossad's former motto, Deceit is essential in warfare. Seriously Israel doesn't exactly have a fantastic record of not doing fucked up shit. I am not sure how one can be so foolish as to believe in the good nature of their regime, what with such humanitarian gems as their forced sterilization of Ethiopian immigrants. As an extra bit of hilariousness to this whole argument I was raised in a family of Jewish converts so funny shit really. Though it should be noted my family have all come to the same conclusion to no longer practice for various reasons. I personally, was told at synagogue while attending Hebrew school. That I should "Always put Israel first over America and swear allegiance only to them." so yeah I started my understanding of treacherousness real fucking early.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@TheMightyOozaru Critiquing people without @-ing them is super gutless, good thing I always leave my tabs open for way too long. You are free to believe whatever you want about the Liberty, but you cannot in good faith deny that it's a JQ dog-whistle here. 1488 is a number that could mean all kinds of things, but if someone has it in their display name you can infer that they're a Nazi or Nazi-sympathizer with virtually perfect certainty. Nobody represents themselves with obscure Israeli offenses from half a century ago unless they have a problem with Jews. I'm not a big fan of Israel myself, but I wouldn't ever veil that because I'm not in some conspiracy-theory camp that needs signalling.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
If your concern is with governments doing shady shit your list of grievances with the American government should be a hell of a lot longer. I love my country, but its hands are so fucking stained with blood at this point it's a joke. We've basically made a sport of financing terrorist organizations, toppling democratic governments and installing dictators at this point. You know we sold weapons to Iran in order to use the proceeds to fund terrorists in Nicaragua? You know we've broken over 500 treaties we signed with the native Americans? You know what the Atlantic slave trade was?

Every government has done awful shit. That's not why his pfp is an anime character wearing a liberty incident baseball hat.
Aug 11, 2020
@mommunism Not gutless, merely forgot to @ you. As evidenced by the fact that I did not do so with Turkeyjerky. Also insulting me when I did nothing of the sort is rather shit. So fuck yourself with something jagged and rusty. The Nazis are gone and he and his would serve as an ally of convenience against a still relevant evil, that being Israel. It is akin to someone with anti-German sentiment during WW2 assisting in the replacement of that regime. The obscurity of the Liberty incident is irrelevant. As his problem with Israel likely stems from their current actions, thus he became aware of the Liberty. As an added note you have no issue with people bringing up offenses of Germans from even longer ago. Does that mean you hate Germans? Or perhaps white people as a whole as seems to be the fashion of our time. No? Then why assume he hates all Jews?

You are dishonest, as proven by your need to deflect attention away from Israel's actions. In some ridiculous attempt to defeat the internet Nazi or whatever. I am aware and vocal about the issues of our government, but our history is longer thus more incidents. Native Americans broke treaties as well. Natives had slaves too, we ended slavery, Israel still has slaves. Israel supports ISIS and is the reason for a large amount of American intervention, AIPAC is insidious, including support of terrorists in the Middle East. Destabilizing the Middle East is coincidentally rather advantageous to Israel as one's relative power is much higher after the neighbors are on fire it seems. Look up the Atlantic slave trade and who owned a rather damning amount of the boats and who orchestrated the trade itself (books have been written on the subject). Hint the fucking slave trading hubs took Saturday off as the sabbath. And in my learning as a child the owning of all non Jews as slaves was what followed after the messiah carried out his prophecy. Also, no country's hands are clean. That does not mean I should be okay with Israel, or not point out its' evils because someone I dislike might appreciate it. As I said Israel gets covered for so often it is sickening. I saw often as a child, and i see it now. It was always framed as some sort of pass given for having been historically mistreated as a people with total disregard for how they acted. Such as when rebelling against Rome they massacred a shitload of the regional non Jewish non-combatants. The issue seems to be that when a people believe they are literally holier than thou, they tend to be totally unwilling to make concession or engage in honest diplomacy. I was exposed to that shit early and despised it. Turns out teaching your children that way is a great way to be hated throughout history.

Anyway, this is totally pointless as none of us will change our views. So I have honest advice to alleviate stress in all our lives. Block me, and block smokewagon. I for one will be doing thus. If you do not block me feel no need to @ me in the future as I will not see it.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@TheMightyOozaru "Forgot", lmao. As if. You deserve to be insulted, not just for being gutless but for being a moron. But while you certainly are stupid, there's no way you're ignorant enough to have never heard of a neo-Nazi. You're playing dumb because you're on SmokeWagon's side, which just further proves how gutless you are. Genuinely pathetic.
Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
Please stop arguing about porn addiction, friendly fire naval incidents, historical war crimes and modern geopolitics.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
What a cute chapter, it's good to see some of progress and cuteness between those two.

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