@icantnotthink Hm... Kinda fair, I suppose, but I feel we don't quite see the situation, or even the word "default" the same way.
"There doesn't need to be a default". Uh...yes there does. Sex is literally one of the biological IMPERATIVES, with eating and sleeping.
By "default" people eat 2-3 times a day. And from there, you negotiate. Breakfast after waking up and then mid-morning make it 4. Afternoon snack makes it 5.
No breakfast makes it 2. But there is a default.
Same with sleeping. Recommended is 8hours, but not sure how many people actually manage that. Let's say 6? And then negotiate. Or not, let's say 8 and negotiate. See? Already negotiating.
Sex is really not different. My personal sex drive, as a male, may be different from your personal sex drive, also as a male. And then maybe you have a personal, temporary circumstance. And maybe that guy is asexual. So 3 different situations. But PRECISELY because of that, there is a negotiation.
It's literally the post-it thing that Natori made. "Honey, I have a highish sex drive, I want it 3 times a day". "That's way too much, it needs to go down".
Okay. That conversation is realistic, it's adult, it needs to happen. It's part of a relationship: communication.
But I feel like, as I said, I'm going in circles. Even if guys want it more, the "not tonight honey, my head hurts" gag is way too common. At this point I don't have numbers on me, but I'm confident if I search, I'll find statistics saying that guys would generally want it every night (just once) and girls don't. And ofc, since you can't really force her, cause that's wrong, the final answer is "not every day". Which again brings me to: shouldn't you want to make love to the guy you love?
I go shopping once every 4 months, but will gladly go weekly just to spend time with her. I feel like she could yield a bit too?
But whatever. At this point, agree to disagree, I suppose.
EDIT for your edit:
Making it something you HAVE to do just turns it into a chore/duty
Notice that not once did I mention an obligation. What I have said, several times, is: shouldn't you WANT to make LOVE with the man you LOVE?
Willingess. Just like how I want to spend time with her, watching stupid romance movies, not out of obligation but because I WANT to spend time together.