Attack on Titan - Vol. 32 Ch. 127 - The Night When it Ended

Active member
Mar 26, 2018
People are forgetting something, we haven't seen the real reasoning as to what Eren is doing. We've been told what he's doing by other people. Eren has made statements, but he hasn't explained himself.
Active member
Mar 26, 2018
And we're also forgetting that the author loves to throw curveballs. An endgame twist is not out of the question, in fact I'm expecting it.
May 1, 2018
@possiblydominator Right? It's like these people saying "Us or them! Race war now!" forgot that this is a close cousin of superhero comics. Setting aside that real wars end without genocide all the time, this is a fantasy comic. The protagonists don't have to sacrifice the moral high ground just because the readers can't imagine another solution.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
My guess is Eren might pull a Lelouch and make himself the villain, then die so that people's hatred of the Eldians will die with him.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
@HorseRider9000 @mnmega
Why are you so convinced genocide is the only answer? America was BITTER enemies with Japan and Germany in WW2, and just a few years later we were close allies. We could have exterminated them to the last man, but we didn't because that would have been wrong. Violence may be necessary, but there's a point where it goes too far. At the end of the day, most people are just average joes who want nothing to do with all the bloodshed. People are individuals, and can't be held responsible for actions they had nothing to do with. If it weren't that way we'd all be on death row.
Aug 23, 2018
The anti Eren circlejerk feels forced, as if it's there just to give Eren some resistance to deal with.
Apr 18, 2018
Bruh its not feasible to you that people don't want to see everyone die for no good reason? Annie and others actually have something worth fighting for (not on this island). Don't think its forced at all never got that impression from it.
Jul 21, 2019

". We could have exterminated them to the last man, but we didn't because that would have been wrong. Violence may be necessary, but there's a point where it goes too far.

Extremely naive to say the least. Genocide isn't morally right or wrong. Survival of the fittest and might makes right are the rules of the world. To pretend otherwise is to be ignorant. Violence only goes too far when it harms the party creating the violence. In that case, violence is 'wrong.'
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
"Gencide isn't morally right or wrong."

Do you understand what morality is? The only way you could ever believe something like that is because you've never once considered what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of such and act. Your mindset is only appealing to people who mistakenly believe themselves to be among the strong. If somebody mugged you in an alleyway would you just say "oh he's in the right cuz he was stronger than me! No problems here!"
Jul 21, 2019
@turkeyjerkey Of course. Because under the law of might makes right, my superior brainpower would prevent me from walking through a sketchy alleyway to begin with. If I was foolish enough to go said alleyway, then I would simply deserve what would be come. But of course, that wouldn't happen because I'm no fool.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
If a school shooter goes into your school one day and kills you, is that a righteous act? If a driver behind you gets road rage and runs your car off the road is that righteous? If a suicide bomber decides to blow himself up on the same block you're walking walking on, too far away for you to possibly have even noticed, let alone prevented, is that righteous? I assume your answer to all of these is that you'd somehow use your "superior brainpower" to somehow prevent them all, because you seriously think bad stuff only happens to other people. Look, I imagine you're around 13-15 so I don't wanna be too hard on you. I just encourage you to do some self-reflection and start getting your ideas from places other than 4chan and reddit.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
I'm sorry if I hit the nail on the head, but you really shouldn't get your worldview from 4chan. Everyone there is a self-described miserable loner. You're not going to be able to have meaningful interactions with other people until you grow out of their childish mindset.
Sep 8, 2019
One thing to remember, is that humans have developed to be the dominant life form on Earth BECAUSE of empathy and mercy, not in spite of it.

The simple facts are that conflict is inevitable, cynical but true. But what comes after is where humanity is defined. Namely, being able to bury the past and make something of the future.

To use the previous example: Germany and Japan became vulnerable to fascist dictatorship (Germany) and militaristic dictatorship (Japan) BECAUSE of events in the past put them in that situation. When the US deployed aid to help reconstruct Japan and Germany after the war, that was a sign of humanity. Yes, some Japanese and German soldiers did some horrific things, and they should certainly be punished, but the nations and countries can move beyond that. Because if they don’t, then the same thing will happen again.

FMA shows this pretty well; the Ishvalans were ethnically cleansed by Amestris, and some are rightfully angry with that. However, they still contribute to helping the heroes save the country because they know that’s the only way for the violence to end. To swallow your pride and hurt and focus on NOT being the victim. The creator says she based this on the Ainu people and the racial tensions with the Jomon descendent people.

For all the talk about SJW rhetoric, there seems to be the missing info. SJWs are despised because their whole mindset paints themselves or ingroup as a victim, always. No matter what they do in retaliation, they refuse to take responsibility or make something of themselves because they believe they can’t be anything but ‘victims’

Being the bigger man (or woman) is the exact opposite of being an SJW.
Mar 22, 2019
Lol what's all of this crying and asking for pity act. Remember when Armin tried to talked and begged to Bertholt( So glad he died like a bitch and in horrifying way) for answers? Why's Gabi so important in the eyes' of these cringevengers anyway? Because she killed their most beloved comrade..
Jan 13, 2020
i know that the mood of this chapter is far from light but levi getting up to tell everybody to be quiet is so funny to me

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