Battle Cats Megathread

Apr 3, 2018
Quick Explanation ↓

What is Battle Cats?
Adorable kitties go wild all over the world! Here's your chance to raise and play with them for free! Battle Cats is completely free to play, but some items can also be purchased for real money! Easy system and recommended for men and women of all ages! Start your wonderful adventure today!

This thread discusses about BCEN, the English ver. of Battle Cats.




Version Logs
9.10 (18 October 2020)

Information about stages, recommended gacha, events, and etc will be pasted here from various sources.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
yeah, i played it once long time ago. then i cheated the whole game with infinite amount of catfoods and berries.
i learned that cheating isn't that fun afterward.
Apr 3, 2018
Nah , it's battle cats by ponos. @pandascepter

Well it depends but somehow cheaters usually flex so much that's what really annoy real players. Even popular youtuber like Nova pro did cheat on his play, smh smh @hazzack

what's that? I thought it was sloth(?) @ceildric
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
That image I think it's from the TV series He-Man, I believe it is the transforming pet of the protagonist.
Apr 3, 2018
5 Recommended Gachas to Roll

[ol]Majestic Zeus (11-draw Guaranteed)
Ultra Souls (11-draw Guaranteed)
Dark Heroes (11-draw Guaranteed)

The Almighties: The Majestic Zeus


The Almighties: The Majestic Zeus
Unit pool: Radiant Aphrodite, Shining Amaterasu, Thunder God Zeus, Anubis the Protector, Splendid Ganesha, Wrathful Poseidon, Empress Chronos, Hades the Punisher, Gaia the Creator (Legend Rare)

Radiant Aphrodite: Stands at an incredible 600 range, while hitting 450~850 range via her LD. Her attack rate and DPS are nothing impressive but her amazing reach balances it. She has massive damage against Aliens, too, which is a very nice bonus. Be very glad if you pull her, as Aphro is most certainly one of the best Ubers in the game.
Current tier list rating : S

Shining Amaterasu: Has great range (455), overall well-rounded stats and exceptionally high DPS against traited enemies (not including metals). Being a very versatile Uber, Amaterasu is an awesome unit to obtain at any point in the game.
Current tier list rating : S

Thunder God Zeus: An average generalist with great range (480), 6k DPS, good attack rate but pretty big downsides such as 2 knockbacks. Can be good early on, especially if you lack cats to properly deal with longer-ranged enemies like Master A. He resists Angels, though this ability is rarely useful outside of Clionel, and in some cases Sleipnir. Overall, a good unit to pull.
Current tier list rating : B

Anubis the Protector: Has wave immunity and Zombie killer on top of alright general stats. He’s not the greatest unit with these abilities, but if you’re lacking in good units for this, Anubis can fill the niche reasonably well. Even then he tends to be rarely used. An ok pull, but still the worst in the set.
Current tier list rating : C+

Splendid Ganesha: A pretty nice LD uber. On top of his absolutely massive piercing range (325), he has a DPS of 7.2k (higher with talents) when his strengthen ability activates, which is very high for LD. Ganesha’s main flaw however is his unsafe range of 400. Overall, despite its flaws, great unit to pull.
Current tier list rating : A+

Wrathful Poseidon: Boasts great stats at 350 range, meaning he can enter enemy blind spots easily, as well as 6.2k DPS, backswing, a fast cooldown (84s), and being an amazing Anti-Zombie/Metal. He has some downsides though, such as his considerably fast speed (though his backswing often makes up for it), as well as being a midranger, which can sometimes hold him back for general usage (though most of the time it fortunately doesn’t, especially considering his targets). Overall, a solid counter to his types and a good addition to your Uber deck.
Current tier list rating : B+

Empress Chronos: Can freeze all traited enemies (including metals) with LD multi-hit attacks. While she can’t perma-stall enemies by herself, her relatively short cooldown (2 minutes) allows her to be stacked easily. Even then, a single Chronos can hold enemies off pretty reliably provided she has decent support. Of course she still has some flaws, mainly her average physical stats, but she’s far from bad. Good unit to pull.
Current tier list rating : A+

Hades the Punisher: Has the highest HP in the game (425k). Unfortunately, Hades does not target any traits and lacks the stats to capitalize on his huge defense, having lower than average DPS for a tanker (7k) not to mention multi hit, awkward range for his role (250) and relatively long cooldown (131s). Overall, he can definitely work in certain stages, but remains a mediocre unit to pull.
Current tier list rating : C+

Gaia the Creator: Despite her extremely huge DPS, Gaia has significant flaws: horrible accuracy, very small inner range and big blind spot, low amount of knockbacks, etc. Still, though, her offensive power is so ridiculous that it can make up for these downsides in the vast majority of cases. Overall, great unit to pull and arguably the best Legend Rare.
Current tier list rating : A+

General set info & advice
The main thing that differentiates Almighties from the other sets is that their true form is only accessible after beating SoL. Most don’t target specific traits, and most are usable in general situations. Since its Ubers don’t need a TF to be good (for the most part) and are even better when they do obtain it, Almighties is among the best sets to roll on, especially for beginning players.

Credit to Waran-Ess#9801

Ultra Souls

Ancient Heroes: Ultra Souls
Unit pool: Urashima Taro, The Grateful Crane, Momotaro, Kasa Jizo, Princess Kaguya, Kachi-Kachi, Sarukani, Kintaro, Ushiwakamaru (Legend Rare)

Urashima Taro: Has the fourth highest HP of any cat in the game. This huge amount of health gives him incredible survivability, and it will be rare for you not to have one in the field. On top of being usable in general situations as a midrange tank, he’s extremely good to stall Angels/Blacks and counters Tackey excellently. Overall, great unit to pull.
Current tier list rating : B+

The Grateful Crane: Super Galaxy Cosmo boasts an immense 850 range, outranging all but the longest ranged enemies. His DPS and attack rate are below average, meaning using him in general situations isn’t relevant. He freezes Angels/Floatings for 6 seconds in TF, making him a good crowd control unit. In exchange for these upsides, Cosmo has abysmal attack rate, low health and an extremely long attack animation, which means he can either be interrupted or straight up miss the enemies. Not an amazing roll but he’s not a bad unit either.
Current tier list rating : B-

Momotaro: First form is easily stackable and has the potential to perma-freeze Reds/Angels, while true form has good DPS and crowd control capabilities. A fairly decent roll.
Current tier list rating : B+

Kasa Jizo: One of the best Ubers in the game due to his incredible stackability, high DPS in numbers, good HP and good range. He deals massive damage to Blacks/Angels, 2 common and relevant enemy types. His TF gets massively outshined by his 1st form, but is still a neat nuker. Overall, an amazing roll and most definitely the best in the set.
Current tier list rating : S

Princess Kaguya: 1st form is easily stackable and perma-slows Angels/Metals very easily, while TF is a decent generalist with good range and works as a counter to Winged Pigge. Ok pull overall.
Current tier list rating : B-

Kachi-Kachi: Weakens Aliens/Angels in 1st form and does a great job at it. His TF however is too fast for its own good and offers little use outside of its target types. Not the greatest roll but can be alright to use at times.
Current tier list rating : C+

Sarukani: First from is a fantastic anti-Zombie and not a bad anti-Angel, while his True Form is good against both traits and also has great stats for general use. One of the best anti-Zombies in the game and an excellent unit to pull.
Current tier list rating : B+

Kintaro: Can slow Angels with LD multi-hit attacks + savage blow. His standing range is fairly high, and his average DPS is decent for LD, especially considering his hit area. When it comes to cc quality, it's pretty great, especially with the multi-hit making it even more consistent. His first form is alright, but his 2nd form is just better most of the time. Overall, an awesome uber and one of the best to pull from this set.
Current tier list rating : A

Ushiwakamaru: Extremely broken against Angels, boasting insane damage + resistance against them. His 1st form isn’t very good for general use but his 2nd form very much is. Overall, another great unit to obtain.
Current tier list rating : B+

General set info & advice
Ultra Souls ubers have the bonus of a spammable first form. All of them target Angels + a second trait (with the exception of Ushi). They’re not necessarily the greatest generalists except for Jizo, especially in unevolved form, but most are still usable outside their niche. Overall, Ultra Souls is a great set to roll on at any point in the game.

Credit to Waran-Ess#9801

Dark Heroes

Dark Heroes
Unit pool: Catman, Akira, The White Rabbit, Mekako Saionji, Warlock and Pierre, Hayabusa, Detective Vigler, Sharpshooter Saki, Doktor Heaven (Legend Rare)

Catman: Boasts great general stats while dealing Massive Damage to 4 traits (considering all his forms): Floatings, Angels, Aliens and Relics. His anti-Floating ability is nothing special as Sanzo, Cameraman, Octopus and Fishman already take care of most Floatings pretty well. Catman's anti-Relic potential is also pretty limited as he has few Relic enemies he actually counters; mainly Relic Bun Bun, Oldhorn and M. Ost. Still, his Massive Damage against both Angels/Aliens and overall good stats make him one of the best units to pull from this set.
Current tier list rating : A

Akira: Freezes Aliens in 1st form, has Strengthen in second form and wave immunity + Strong against Aliens in True Form. Any wave immune unit is valuable and Akira is no different (especially if you’re willing to invest into his talents, but tbqh it’s not something I’d recommend). He’s a pretty solid anti-alien in first form and good generalist in 2nd form. Overall, great unit to pull.
Current tier list rating : B+

The White Rabbit: Has unimpressive general stats, except for her great range (465). She counters two pretty relevant enemy types (Reds and Aliens), and can usually control them decently well in first form with her slow ability. In second form, she loses slow and gains the Strong Against ability; unfortunately, her 2nd form is nearly useless due to her underwhelming stats. Her 3rd form Knockbacks and Weakens both traits, which can lead to a Mizli effect. TL;DR 1st form is the best overall. Might be decently helpful in earlier parts of the game, but quickly falls behind in later stages. Despite her good aspects, probably the worst unit in the set.
Current tier list rating : C+

Mekako Saionji: Resists Blacks/Aliens in 1st form, Knockbacks + Weakens Aliens in 2nd form, and deals Massive Damage to + Slows Aliens in True Form. While her first two forms can be situationally decent, her True Form elevates her to one of the best anti-Aliens in the game. She’s not a terrible generalist either. Overall, another great unit to get from this set.
Current tier list rating : B

Warlock and Pierre: Performs very well against the traits he targets (Floatings/Aliens in 1st form, Angels/Aliens in 2nd form and Aliens only in True Form), especially in his TF. His first form has base destroyer, making it the ultimate cheesing tool. His 2nd form has extra money, a good ability for such a powerful attacker. His 3rd form has Slow/Freeze/Knockback/Weaken immunity, which can come in handy in some debuff/alien-heavy stages such as Close Encounters. Although he lacks general usage, still a good Uber and not to be underestimated.
Current tier list rating : B+

Hayabusa: An awesome anti-Metal. His LD criticals are super strong, and definitely not something you should underestimate. An excellent addition to your anti-metal deck. His anti-Alien abilities are nothing too impressive, and his usage against Zombies is mostly limited to Gravey. Despite his lack of general usefulness, not a bad unit and definitely one you should be happy to pull.
Current tier list rating : B-

Detective Vigler: Can create a lvl 3 wave attack on every hit. Unfortunately, his long attack animation often leads him to miss. In addition to that, even though he can Freeze enemies (Floating/Aliens in 1st form, Zombies/Aliens in 2nd form and Zombies only in TF), the ability isn’t guaranteed, making it inconsistent, especially considering Vigler’s long attack rate. He’s not good to snipe backlines either, with Manic Macho Legs being a vastly superior option. However, Vigler has one saving grace, and that is Cheating Heart; a Research up M cat combo with Madam Sumo, only taking up two slots, making it better than Biobone. Even then, though, Vigler is still a meh unit.
Current tier list rating : C+

Sharpshooter Saki: Only attacks Reds/Aliens in 1st form and Zombies/Aliens in 2nd form, with Long-Distance attacks. She has very good standing range (600) and DPS (7.5k), not to mention huge piercing range and short cooldown, but this isn’t to say she is without flaws. Saki’s inner range is small, which doesn’t combine well with her fast speed. Despite her short cd her cost is very high (6300), so you won’t always be able to afford her mid-battle. She’s generally great against Aliens, and decent for some specific Red stages, but is not a reliable counter to Zombies. Ok pull overall.
Current tier list rating : unrated

Doktor Heaven: Has very high HP and good DPS, but bad range (400). Targets Blacks/Aliens: 1st form has insane resistance while 2nd form has insane damage. Usually great for dealing damage, but not so great as a tanker due to her awkward range. As for general use, it’s a fairly decent choice except for one thing - range. Despite its flaws, a pretty decent unit to obtain.
Current tier list rating : B+

General set info & advice
Dark Heroes ubers all have anti-alien abilities, often coupled with 1-2 other types. They don’t get stat buffs between forms (with the exception of Warlock’s/Vigler's true forms and Hayabusa’s 1st form), but they get different abilities, and a lot of the time they target different traits from one form to another. This makes it so you can change their forms depending on the situation without lowering their stats, which makes Dark Heroes a very versatile Uber set and one of the best banners to roll on at any point in the game.

Credit to Waran-Ess#9801
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

those are still cats? But they have huuuuman faces.

Oh god, is I Huuuman or Cattttt???
Apr 3, 2018
cats have an alliance, and they're humans and such. the enemies are like bears, aliens, cyclone, hippoe, doges, and you name it. @crazybars
Apr 3, 2018
Version 9.10 (October 18th, 2020)

Added the Cat Shrine to the Gamatoto Menu
=> After clearing ITF Chapter 3, may appear at random times

Naming feature added to Battle Formations
=> Tap the Slot Name button on a slot to change to your desired name

True Forms/Talents
=> 3rd forms/Talents added for certain Cats

New Legend Maps
=> Plus, higher difficulties added to existing maps

=> New User Rank Rewards
=> Misc. Bug Fixes
Double-page supporter
Sep 21, 2020
Personal problems with the game: Played this for about 4 months straight earlier this year. Didn't get a single bit of gacha luck, and felt pretty bummed. Then I stopped playing. The problem with battle cats is that you will very likely get very many low rarity units, and the grind to get any kind of a consequential amount of premium currency is pretty hard.
Good points: You set a bunch of cats, bulky men, waifus, and cats dressed as waifus against hordes of angry animals. The premise is silly, any cut scenes that you see are pretty funny, and the whole lore feels like it was written by just some stoner dude, who thought cats were taking over the world. I liked the game but just got a bit bored with it, and would definitely suggest some other people pick it up, if they want a cat game.😀
Apr 3, 2018
that's partially true, and it depends on how you roll the gatchas. 1 roll gacha (by using catfood) is totally useless and therefore it's not recommended to spend catfood on 1 roll gatcha. But it has different rules with 11-draw gatchas (especially the guaranteed one) because the chance that you could get uber rare is absolute. Tldr; there are rules of thumb that need to be known before playing the game any further. And for grind, it's absolutely easy if someone has free time to kill by (1) finishing subchapter of sol stages(1/2/3/4 star(s)); (2) doing an adfarm; (3) finishing event on the legend stages. Not to mention sometimes they give free catfood occasionally.

I'm not a die-hard fan of it though, their system by not using cloud to save the game is ridiculous. @dogalicious
Double-page supporter
Sep 21, 2020
Any of the Ubers that I did get where pretty bad as well. I had bad luck on all rarities, and didn't ever get the units that I wanted. I agree that 11 draw was the way to go as well, but even then most of the 1 draws that I did where with free tickets, and I still didn't get anything. I just had terrible luck, but agree with what you said.
A piece of advice for anyone who wants to play this game: Grind the story missions, because the treasures are a huge buff, no matter where. Also consider whether or not you want to upgrade your cannon or not, I personally regretted upgrading mine.
Apr 3, 2018
I know right, that's why people use 'tracking' method. As you can visit this to apply (firstly you need to 'seed' means entering your last 10 rolls then it will display your track on the next roll or banner accurately. @dogalicious

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