
Group Leader
Oct 16, 2020
Y’all really just going to encourage sniping here when there was a dedicated team scanning this series with great quality. Instead of you guys trying to pick it up yourself, have y’all considered reaching out to the team to help them? I mean they have literally been saying they need more help and staff.

Not you guys settling down for MTL and MS Paint chapters with Newtoki raws. The series updates around 3 times a month or so and was in a long hiatus before. Some of y’all acting real entitled in the comments complaining how the original team went MIA or updates aren't fast enough. This is a fan release that allows y’all to read translations for FREE when the original is meant to be paid for, have some patience. Also, how do you guys even know if a translation is good if it’s MTL, just because it makes sense doesn’t mean it’s always accurate.

If you wanna go ahead and read MTLs, go on those ripped raws site and DIY yourself with google translate and your phone, no need to upload sniped chapters with low quality.
Apr 25, 2020
I completely agree with @Patchysan

The Empire Scans is doing a great job with their given circumstances, and I just see ungrateful people in the comment section. People have lives too, and they are doing this work in their spare time for FREE. Honestly...

And as Patchysan said; you are encouraging this behaviour.
So stop it.

If you are a group that wants to upload some chapters after seeing another group not having done so in a while, TALK TO THE OTHER GROUP.
It's not that difficult. Instead of sniping, hear the reason why it is taking time and maybe offer a hand if needed.
That's real low of you.
Aug 13, 2020
I dont really understand why yall are attacking people for just uploading translations? Is doing that taking away a profit from the original group?This is a website that allowed uploads from anyone for a reason? I get that the quality may be different but I just don't see how them doing it themselves is hurting anyone, and not to be rude but the group hasn't purchased the rights to it, they don't themselves create it, they haven't been assigned it, and they don't make any money from doing it. It seems like the only reason that people would have an issue with someone else uploading is that the group doesn't get credit. If one person can get it done faster than an entire group why shouldn't they contribute a chapter or two, so we the viewers can enjoy more chapters quicker? I don't understand the "asking permission or asking the group if they can help because again they don't own the rights to this so why can't anyone contribute?
Feb 8, 2020

thanks to everyone who is uploading here.
I will read Beatrice multiple times anyway and now I can read someone else's translation on my second and third time around.

I like the word "archduke" much more then "grad duke" as the title.

Juy Juka
Oct 11, 2018

as a korean series the use of slavery is cultural. korea did have slaves and serfs that were almost chattel status slaves. during some eras, the two classes were almost indistinguishable. the raise in rank from slave-servant to mid level servant is based on the ancient korean system.
Jun 21, 2020
Beautiful people is so unfair, they can just sit still and there are people who are willing to give everything for them. Especially, I, for this Archduke (TT~TT)
Oct 13, 2019
FL and ML are "meh". Though the FL is becoming more annoying by the chapter...I don't mind if she just wants to live her life under the radar...but girl, at least have some self respect and try to get treated like a human. At this point she is literally a pet; I'm surprised she doesn't sit next to his feet and bark to get attention 🤦🏼‍♀️.

The art is beautiful thought. They should just get together already, stop the twilight lvl angst, bang and make babies.😳
Apr 25, 2020
@ID54 It is about respect. A lot of time is being put in to clean/redraw, translate, typeset, proofread etc. When this is a project that The Empire Scans has had for almost a year, it really is rude to just waltz in and publish some yourself. Of course, nobody holds the official rights. It is more of an unwritten rule.
Don't snipe stories that another scan group is already working on. If you want to take over, you ask. If the scan group doesn't wanna give it up, they might be willing to collab on it.

It's all about that mutual respect, and when that is broken, of course people are gonna go to the comment section to complain. Had it been I MTL FOR MY SISTER that had taken over after NASS and The Empire Scans that sniped, then the rage would be on TES.

Sniping is a big, fat nono.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
This comment section... There is a difference between sniping with malicious intent and MTL'ing your own chapter just because you want to know what happens next after months of waiting. The two people who "sniped" were the latter and have been deleting their MTL versions as Empire released their version

While I can't say much how the group feels but as a reader I can perfectly understand someone getting frustrated after months and just do it themselves. Often times it's just done on the impulse and they make it for themselves or for their sister in one of these cases
Apr 29, 2020
Everyone bashing I MTL for my sister is toxic. This person could have easily kept the translation to themselves and given it only to their sister. Instead, he/she chose to stick their neck out and upload it here so that the rest of us could at least see a MTL version.

I MTL might not know the proper etiquette for scan groups and shouldn't be bashed and harassed. The intent wasn't to snipe the series and push the other translators out.
May 4, 2019
But @Rhodolite isn't there disagreement over whether they were serfs or slaves? Cos being a serf wasn't exactly fun, but it was somewhat more stable than being a slave. Also the language even one would use to refer to oneself would be different.

The disagreement over translation within academia makes me wonder if Chloe is a serf or slave, but from the context of the chapters I would be 80% argue she's a slave and the position is still unnecessary for the plot 🤷🏽‍♀️
Jun 13, 2020
I don’t care about other group translate it.
I am just sad and angry when read comment that we release it because the other group released it first. Call us pathetic to do it again after others picked it up?!? 😔
We always have target to release all projects asap specially Beatrice but who knows what happen irl.
A lot of staff is on hiatus and to make a good translation, we need a whole team. Start from raw provider, translator, proofreading, cleaner, redrawer, typesetter and QC.
We understand if u want it fast but we are not in the best form right now. We are still looking for new staffs. PLEASE APPLY!!!

You can read anywhere but don’t call us pathetic. We don’t give you bullshit.
We just give you our TIME and SKILL, UNPAID to provide readers the BEST.
Please be kind and thank you for your support.

May 14, 2019
yall talk so much about sniping while translating illegally away from the authors jurisdiction. please let it go. it's not about respect. if it was about respect than it wouldn't matter because we would simply respect everyone, including the 'sniper'. Yes, trans groups may spend more time, and if you like them better, just read theirs only. let people live, translating is a passion project, not for money.
Oct 11, 2018

chloe is a slave but it's not an uncommon trope in korean stories because of the nation's history. western serfdom is different than eastern serfdom. you don't have to like the trope but it is what it is because of korea's history. for better or worse it was a major part of the culture for a long time. translation disagreements is due to the fact that like i said earlier, in some eras serfs and slaves were almost indistinguishable. plot wise she was initially a slave, became a throwaway princess to slave again. as a korean series aimed primarily at a korean audience, they get it.

trying to apply western ideals to at its roots a culturally korean series is something you shouldn't do. you don't have to like it but the reason why these stories have female protagonists being slaves, ect is rooted in korean history. to add, this has a 'history' tag to it for a reason. korea has plenty of contemporary romance stories where slavery isn't a plot device.

i'm korean, i know my own heritage- the good, bad and the ugly.
May 4, 2019
@Rhodolite I don't deny your awareness. I doubt the need for such a fall for Chloe and the idea of a slave preferring to be a slave over being a noble. It just doesn't fly. Regardless of the national context, slaves are deemed to be possessions. It just doesn't make sense for ANYONE to prefer being a possession to being a noble.

I get the webcomic's intentions and the national context. I disagree with the using of Chloe's situation and status as a comparison tool to the Grand Duke's. And as a characteristic that draws him to Chloe. It seems unnecessary and naïve of the bloody and cruel reality of slavery in all contexts.

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