Berserk of Gluttony - Vol. 10 Ch. 52

Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
do you remember what page that was?
because i think it just completely vanished
It would have been pg 20/26. So it would currently be between pages 19 and 20/25, which is before this page before the page that starts with "Is it about your real father?".

Update: Page 20/26 has been restored with the empty text bubble.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
リッチ・ロード does either come up as Rich Lord or Rich Road on any MTL you care to check.

Now for the fun bit... "Lich Lord" ran through the same MTL's comes out as..... リッチロード

Every other reference to "lich" gives リッチー in Moon Runes.. Always connected to games and/or Manga/Anime.

Spot the difference... :p

And, as pointed out again and again: You know this term isn't native japanese, but rather a japanese phonetic approximation of a, very much english, fantasy concept. If the word wasn't coined by Tolkien, he sure is the one that got it back into circulation..

As always... When the literal translation makes no sense, you check the context. In this case a clear case of jargon, that together with the actual image right besides it makes pretty clear what the actual translation should have been.

Once again proving that for any localisation, at least the proofreader must be someone with a deep functional command of the target language ( which is different from "native speaker...), and that any checking needs to be done alongside the actual images to catch this kind of sillyness.

Disclaimer: I can't save my life in Moon Runes even if my life depended on it. I'm as dependent on MTL for these scribbles as the majority of us here.
I do have several decades of experience in deciphering "translations" into english, and got pretty good in spotting this kind of translation...Artifact.
But if I can figure this out with a short spate of googling in 10 minutes.. "Knowledge of japanese" indeed...
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023

Page 4 : "Rich Lord"... Hmm, hello ? It's "Lich".
I mean, isn't lich rich?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Sir,in Japanese,there is no letter 'L' is R.L and R are same in Japanese but technically.....there is no L letter in Japanese rather R. Before commenting, please have a basic knowledge of things.
Sir, in Japanese there is neither the letter "L" nor "R". Instead, the Japanese have the following letters:
None stand for "L" or "R". Why didn't you simply write リッチロード instead, since we're supposed to "have a basic knowledge of things" to read your releases anyway?

Oh, wait. Then there wouldn't be a translation, and you wouldn't have anything to release here.

Actually, that might be for the best.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
i'm pretty sure this jamezz are trolling when he said he's japanese, so he can double down when someone said his group translation are shit, if he's really a japanese he should be the one translating, not some vague "staff", yet this jamezz (or kaiden james as arxen pointed out at ch 50), only put his name in QC and raw provider

anyway i'll just wait for neon scans/arxen works, and block this group, this jamezz response to criticism already telling what kind of attitude they're taking in the future
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
One funny shit about this drama is that this jamez dude claimed that it's the same team, different name. But yet look at the quality between the two. How come changing your group name make the translation quality even worse? HOW?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2023
i'm pretty sure this jamezz are trolling when he said he's japanese
I'm more and more convinced this is true. I don't know how else he would seemingly know less about the language than I do, when holding a very basic conversation with my Japanese friends is the extent of my ability lol.

One funny shit about this drama is that this jamez dude claimed that it's the same team, different name. But yet look at the quality between the two. How come changing your group name make the translation quality even worse? HOW?
It looks a lot like they yeeted some dead weight from the group assuming the split thing is true. That's the only way I can explain how the translations and redrawing are such low quality, and yet wasn't picked up in the PR or QC stage (which I doubt they actually have at all).

It's made for some funny threads though :meguu:
Double-page supporter
Apr 11, 2018
I suggest ,you better ask a native Japanese speaker what it means.(あの時・・・リッチ・ロードや) translate this yourself.we tled the actual one. You have been reading the previous translations which had quite a problems...even with the names......Fate Graphite this is what they wrote in fandom and some other places .You wrote "Japanese has neither l nor r" the funniest joke ever
I don't need a native speaker to know that リッチ・ロードや" directly translates as Lich Lord. However, even that is a subpar translation, as the European concept of a Lord of Liches is usually called Elder Lich. Because, you know... Older undeads are stronger than younger ones and usually command them... Basic European mythology knowledge, nothing major. Play WCIII or D&D and you get the gist of it.

And, as pointed out again and again: You know this term isn't native japanese, but rather a japanese phonetic approximation of a, very much english, fantasy concept. If the word wasn't coined by Tolkien, he sure is the one that got it back into circulation..
The english word Lich comes from old English líc, which and just means corpse. At that time líc is also present in old high German and means the same thing and transformed into the modern High-German word Leiche/Leichnam. The concept of a Lich as we know it today was popularized not by Tolkien, but by the Americans Clark A. Smiths with "The Empire of the Necromancers" (1932) and Robert E. Howard with Skull-Face (1929). It finally arrived in pop culture by none other than Dungeons & Dragons (which translates Lich as Leichnam. At least at first; I don't know if they changed it at some point) and Warcraft III.

It looks a lot like they yeeted some dead weight from the group assuming the split thing is true.
Compare the team page: TL with Neon Scans was "Fishfinger". Now it's "Staff", a nice euphemism for ChatGPT. The other major things like QC and TS were then done by Arxen, who clearly has a much better grasp of how things should be run and done.

Hopefully after they have done their reshuffeling Neon scans uploads better versions of the chapters, because Nihongo is just aweful.

/edit: I also reported the chapter for missing pages
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
The concept of a Lich as we know it today was popularized not by Tolkien, but by the Americans Clark A. Smiths with "The Empire of the Necromancers" (1932) and Robert E. Howard with Skull-Face (1929). It finally arrived in pop culture by none other than Dungeons & Dragons (which translates Lich as Leichnam. At least at first; I don't know if they changed it at some point) and Warcraft III.
Damn, you're right.. Tolkien used the (barrow) wight as the basis for the Riders.

'Twas indeed Howard who used the Magician/Priest becoming an unliving powerhouse in his early work, and later the Conan tales. Leiber used that one as well quite heavily.
Which makes sense for D&D, since Gygax used both as a major inspiration.

Would have to check my 1st Ed. stuff if there's a Lich ( or attempt to become Lich..) in the original boxed set or the initial expanses though. As far as i can remember those didn't appear until the first Fiend Folio. Much higher level than the level 6 max. of the boxed set + expansions.

OK... which box did I store that stuff in... :unsure:

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