Beware of the Brothers!

Apr 12, 2020
People need to distinguish between things, do you hate incest because ANY form of sibling relationship, including adoption is disgusting to you, or is it inbreeding that's a no no. For me personally, as long as it's not inbreeding I have nothing against it, relationships among humans are not black and white and the only reason we think of these things as wrong is because of 'ethics' and 'morals' that we were taught by someone else.
So, from social perspective, yes this is kinda incest, but from biological perspective - they good to marry. 👍✨
Aug 14, 2020
i feel uncomfortable with the
being the male lead but i mean biologically they are not related but it still makes me weirded out
Aug 22, 2019
It honestly doesn't matter to me. I just wish that they didn't make it so obvious who the love interest is
May 13, 2020
o-o idk who the first ML is but I'd prefer if it's not Eugene. It just a big nono for me even if they are not blood related
Aug 17, 2019
I'm currently hating on all the boys, since everyone is like "oh, you don't need to know this, and that" or they start saying someting like in chap 45 "so that is how he introduced himself to you" and it is like-

She at least asks once but the fact that she does not ask more after such situations is such a pain. I know she kinda decided to postpone her suspicions about brothers visiting the manor earlier than her, but when I read latest chapters, it feels suffocating. She is so many years older (mentally) and yet she does not see such obvious excuses they make? Idk, the way they cover a lot of things up instead of being honest is just not bueno for me.

I liked the story the best before they split up - after that I don't know how to feel. Maybe when a lot of chapters of s2 come out I will try it again but for now it is a drop for me.
Sep 17, 2019
Honestly disregarding how weird it might be for an adopted brother or sister to pursue a romantic relationship (the only reason this isn't as weird as it could be is because the MC is mentally old, imagine if she was the young girl she was in her past life, that would be... problematic) the issue I have is honestly with the parents of the family. They are horrible. Like who thinks: "Oh my daughter just died and her twin is grieving, let me pick up a girl from the slums that looks like her and replace my dead daughter with her." Like wow, not to mention in the first few chapters the childrens father hit his son? That is not how you parent, I get it, they almost killed her, but they are children, they don't know what they are doing and not to mention, they are grieving their sister. How do you think you would feel if your parents replaced your dead sister with a knock-off version. I would feel horrible and maybe a bit resentful. May not be enough to excuse their actions but i would say that it provides a bit of background. Another note is that this whole resentment between siblings wouldn't have really happened if the parents saw this and took care of the situation, can they really not see the strained relationship? That would take a lot of work. This is borderline neglectful. One last thing, is that I feel like the MC is weirdly superior, she doesn't treat her siblings like siblings but like kids and humors them. I get it, she's an adult but the least she could do is be sympathetic but instead she thinks she's above them (though that could be a weird way of her dealing with her trauma -- which honestly, if she's been abused her whole life, it really doesn't show, it feels like an accessory to her whole 'second life' spiel.) This isn't really that different from other second chance novels though, I guess it just kind of triggered me because I have a twin as well and would hate if that happened to me therefore making sympathize with the brothers more than the MC.
I might be getting a few details wrong here and there but you get the jist.
May 20, 2020
I agree with mdescova, from the beginning I thought it was super weird that the parents picked up a similar looking kid to replace their dead one, although I guess you can excuse that to them being hysterical from grief?

And the issue with the ml being the step brother.... I feel like people are pretty harsh on this series because I think it's meant to represent an older period in time. In those sort of times it wasnt an issue to marry your blood cousin because of "keeping the bloodline pure" so I appreciate how in this series they are not related at all. Socially, this is super weird, and I do not excuse this in real life, because just being romantic with people you treat as family is gross, but in the context of this series with the time place and their upbringing I feel like it's not as bad as everyone made it? Idk we have to see because I think eventually they'll address how to have that sort of relationship in public if she does end up with eugene. And we'll see if the time period this series is in finds it acceptable.

I just feel like the barracade between the fl and ml was them having a bad relationship in the previous life, not really as much them being step siblings. But if it is a real trigger to you that's completely different and I would understand the backlash. (Also I hope I dont sound like I'm into incest LMAO I just see this as something that people did in older generations and this seems to be mimicking that - the only thing that puts me off is the use of words like hyung because that sounds too recent).

I do like the blue haired guy tho 😥 I forget his name I think Johannes lol. But I'm just not as affected as everyone else with eugene if he ends up being endgame.
Apr 21, 2020
Take it easy, like the people below said The web comic is in another time, it is another culture and it has happened before for sure, on those times. Just enjoy it like if you are reading a new story about how was the culture In those times and learn something new (if you have not) from it. (Actually if you know what might happen and why means that you have read enough about it an have a wide open mind so you don’t bother in expressing it).

I really like her not official fiancée, but it does not bother me if she ends up with her not related brother ‘cause it’s her feelings. And I accept the culture in those times.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
I had way too much fun reimagining the story with the brothers speaking like Space Marines.

Brother1: Battle Brothers, the enemy is at our door
Main character: Hi, I'm your new sister
Brother1: HERESY!!
Brother2: Witch!!
Brother3: Suffer not the alien!!
Brother1: Genestealer!!
Brother2: For the Emperor!!
*slaps sister
Main Character: oww, wtf, why?
Brother3: Xenos spotted
*Serious Prank
Main Character: stop pretty please?
*acts cute
Brother1: Brothers, I am pinned now, I am pinned now, I am pinned now.
Brother3: Forces of Slaneeshh!!
Brother1: She's not evil
Brother2: HERESY!

and so on.
Feb 24, 2020
Aug 8, 2020
I'm a bit uncomfortable with the incest undertones. Yes, I consider it as incest since Hari and Eugene were both raised by their parents as siblings. And no, no matter what "culture" whether fictional or not you are in... incest is still really frowned upon. I do hope that the upcoming chapters will reveal Eugene's true feelings towards Hari, whether it is romantic or just a strong filial one, in order to confirm their relationship. And I also do wish that Hari will meet her possible leading guy, outside of his brothers, too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
Question and minor spoiler/mini rant
NGL I don't like the MC as of now(still in chp 16) her personality is really difference from her past, like how the hell did her personality goes from 'the quiet kid at school' into 'that one kid in middle school that's like to hang out with everyone', maybe if the author take the 'isekai' route it would be better than of now(chp 16) her personality and who she was from the backstory is really difference like night and days, I'm going to power brought it but can someone explain her personality origin I don't care if it's spoiler as of now I want to drop it because of this but the author also made 'who made me a princess' which I like, so can someone give me her turning from quiet girl to girl who don't give 2 f about anything origin? I'm going to sleep so yeah I'm going to continue this tomorrow pls answer it by then
Feb 18, 2019
This is a nice, light read with plenty of heartwrenching moments when Hari turns up the drama. Then again, it is still early so this could still go anywhere.

Were the parents wack? Yes, yes they were. But, merely tools for the plot so meh. Hari's characterization is a bit erratic but I am still holding out for the future for her in the chapters to come.

Now a rant:

Is it really set that Eugene is a possible love interest?😣 I really don't like this progression...😩 It's not because of the pseudo-incest; I have read other works of fiction with incest themes and even enjoyed some. No, it's cause I came for sibling love not "sibling love." I came here for the pureness of a sibling relationship that just does not exist IRL and BASK in it. It would have been a great set of a tsundere bro, a dumb but heart of gold bro and a gentle bro. I'm no newbie, I was fully prepared for incest undertones but straight up? *sigh*
Jul 14, 2019
Wait this is a shared universe story with “Who made me a princess”?!? Huh......did not see that coming.
Apr 23, 2020
So much drama about Eugene and it being incest... but like why?
She lived with him 'as a sister' for two years, and they only became a 'family' for like one of those. If that is your line of thought, it would be much weirder if she ended up with Johannes (1st time-line fiance) because they actually grew up together as a family ??????
I am sorry, but I just don't see at any point Eugene or Hari thinking of each other as actual siblings. Eugene turning point as seeing her as a person, who did not deserve to be treated badly. Hari didn't think of any of them as her brothers in the beginning because of the 1st timeline. They became friends and just as they were starting to form family bounds they got separated - and did not develop these bounds. Hari knew how much he was sacrificing and saw him as a reliable/strong/sharp young man. And Hari became the one person who Eugene could be "Eugene" and not the young Duke...
So is all this fuss because they are related in title ? Oh cry me a river 💅

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