Beware the Villainess!

Sep 21, 2018
I'm sorry in advance since I'm just nitpicking... But this is a Korean comic so it's manhwa, not manhua = Chinese comic ^^
Jun 8, 2019
Im just sick and tired of "otome game villainess" where "lol wouldnt it be funny if the villainess was a good girl with no flaws???".

I cannot think of a SINGLE villainess series where the MC is actually evil, selfish or has any negative traits at all. They are always pure, 10/10 good girls who are so innocent that they never even think of holding hands with all the handsome men around them. They dont feel like actual human beings, they just feel like robots programmed to act as the perfect saint.

And judging from the synopsis, I dont see the villainess of this series being actually evil either.
May 5, 2019
Wow, you Judgy McJudgerson you.
How about you read at least one chapter before writing comment?

P.s: If you don't like the synopsis and don't want to read it, then why do you bother to comment?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
@heylily I don’t think it’s the sniper his eyes are blue and the dude on the cover has a amber color eyes
Feb 1, 2020
@Question2 I mean I get it, but probably not the best idea to comment on it without having read it....I wouldn't say this villainness is "evil" but she isn't a pure girl either. She's headstrong in the "screw this entire story" sort of way. It's rather funny actually!

If you're looking for a series with a villainness that is more evil, may I suggested "The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass?" Although the villainness is framed in a sense, you can tell as the chapters go on that she's looking for pure revenge and is turning into a villainness herself. Either way, give either a read and see how you like them!
Sep 9, 2019
@Question2 then don't read it no one is forcing and you are wrong by the way I know a couple of them that actually don't give a shit
Jun 8, 2019
Tried reading the first two chapters.

>Villainess that isnt actually a villainess


>heroine is the one at fault and of course the MC has no flaws at all


>perfect pampered life where the MC doesnt need to work or do anything hard at all

Check. (In case you were wondering, a real duke's daughter would be spending a ton of time learning etiquette, dancing and other lessons, not just living the perfect pampered life)

The only difference is that the MC is actually rude to one of the guys. Its like someone decided to copy the generic otome setup and add a "twist". Its like copying harry potter wholesale except that the MC is a delinquent instead of a mild mannered boy, so much originality there. Man if it was so easy to get published, who wouldnt do it? Just copy and paste the text from harry potter and change a few lines, make the MC say some gangsta/rap stuff, VOILA instant best seller and movie license deals...good thing western publishers will just laugh at you if you try that....

Its pathetically clear from the first two chapters that this is going to be one of those "make the readers mad" revenge series. You know, like revenge hero, healer hero, etc, where the villains are just so over the top evil and the MC is 100% in the right no matter what he does...except that in this series, the guys are all cheating scumbags while of course, the MC is 100% in the right and is never at fault...and the "plot" is just the author's self insert getting revenge on the moustache twirling villains...

If you want to do a story with this setup then the MC has to have some flaws rather than just "oh yea i never do anything wrong and its ALL the guy's fault!!!". (being rude to the villain doesnt count as a flaw by the way). Like, instead of having all the guys be stereotypical scumbags, have the MC fooling around as well and shes pissed because the guy is deliberately doing it infront of her, instead of because shes got the moral upperhand.

Please for the love of god, isnt there a SINGLE villainess series where the villainess is actually a REAL villainess??? Surely someone must have written one??? When I start reading a villainess series, I expect an actual villainess not this shitty bait and switch.

Its like reading a yuusha series except that...there isnt a hero in there at all...its about a cook at an inn and the series is all about cooking...and then reading a dozen other series who all do the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING.

Seriously, there needs to be a ban on these shitty bait and switch series. Imagine advertising a super hero movie except that when people sit down and start watching, it turns out there are no super heroes in it, its just a 8 year old kid playing in the park. The amount of negative backlash from it would be enormous.

Or you know, like uploading what appears to be a berserk manga chapter only for it to be completely unrelated to berserk...shitty bait and switch...
Mar 25, 2019
Hmm I would have appreciated some more world building/setting of the scene in the first two chapters. So far I’m not sure if this is that different from most reincarnation stories.

I understand your frustration @Question2
May 5, 2019
Calm down, mate.
If it's so easy to get published and you want different story, then why don't YOU try to draw manhwa, or if you can't draw then write novel about the heroine you want (I tried, and imagining what you want vs putting into words is sooo hard and painful)
Can't wait to read novel by Judgy-san.

P.s: well, at least you tried reading it. And if you have manhwa with story / heroine like that, please do share, I would love to read it as well.
Apr 11, 2020
This story is so good and it's got me cracking 😂😂
You go girl...
I'm so rooting for the MC ..
Can't wait for the update 😄
Jun 8, 2019
Its like, going in to watch a movie that turns out to be shit, and then walking out after 10 minutes and telling your friend how bad it was.

That is how much "bother" it is. Of course people are going to say its shit if its shit. They are not going to walk out of the thearter after 10 minutes and be perfectly silent or start talking about the weather.

Seriously, why isnt there a SINGLE villainess manga WITH AN ACTUAL VILLAINESS???

It really boggles the mind. Imagine if there were DOZENS of ninja manga series...BUT NONE OF THEM HAVE ACTUAL NINJAS IN IT...this is LITERALLY the only genre where this happens...fake villainess genre is what I call it....just bait and dont see this ANYWHERE ELSE...

If only gods were real, then they could punish the authors of these shitty bait and switch copy cat series. Just imagine, shitty author-san, about to write a new shitty copycat series, and right as he sits down to start writing, he gets teleported into a room by an angel or something and given life counselling. You know that scene from one of the jedi movies where a kid in a bar tries to sell drugs to a jedi, and the jedi just goes "you want to go home to think about your life."? Kind of like that. This problem can only be solved via divine intervention at this point, its certaintly not going to fix itself.

And yea, "dont read it if you dont like it" isnt an excuse dude. Imagine if someone started uploading fake berserk manga chapters here and then told people "lol u mad??? you dont have to read it if you dont like it lolololol".
May 31, 2019
Bullshit defenders like yourself are the reason why every other manga coming out now is shitty isekai or some stupidass cultivation Naruto-knock off.

I don't need to be a carpenter to know a shitty table
I don't need to be a seamstress to know that a dress has a hole in it

And I don't need to be an author/artist to know that all these Isekais/Otome are generic ripoffs. Have some fucking standards
May 4, 2019
I love her! I adore her loool!!!

The isekais from S. Korea tend to have such incredible female leads! Strong AF. Varied personalities and characters with more varied skin tones.

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