Kinda disappointed in the latest chapter. It seemed like it was leading up into trying to teach Jake a lesson and help him understand that what he did was wrong so he could become a better person... but it was just another chance to hurt him and make him feel like shit. Actually, that seems to be the running theme... any time there's a chance to make the male characters actually understand why their behavior was unacceptable, it's abandoned to just hurt them or grind them under heel further. So it winds up more of a shallow, sort of petty revenge fantasy than anything else, with the female characters and the sole emasculated prettyboy male character "winning" against the jerks by being even bigger jerks.
Edit: And the more I think of it the less Melissa is any different than any of them. She's still rude and cruel to just about everyone around her, completely oblivious to others' feelings because she's entirely wrapped up in herself, appoints herself Yuri's protector who knows best for her (but it's okay because Yuri actually likes her, obviously), and runs roughshod over everyone else around her on a whim. The few redeeming traits they throw on her ("omg she's nice to the staff!") are such stereotypical Nice Guy things that it makes this look more like a nerd revenge fantasy against those Jerk Jocks that's using being a "yuri" series to cover its tracks.