@KingNova777 because it might interest him too.
@Cantsearchwithtachiyomi @Zikakuto @Quaysan this series is indeed hard to translate (or so I'm told).
>I feel like the LQ version more makes sense in some places, especially judging by the character's reactions
Regarding this, I feel like I need to elaborate a bit on the process of scanlating, so that people know what's going on.
First there is the main translator's draft. Then, another translator controls the translation, and makes comments on each line, where needed. Then, the first translator checks again the objections from the translation-checker, and finally a script of the "right" translation is put out.
Then, on this script the proofreader (we have two just on this series) changes what needs to be changed to make everything flow better in english. The changes are commented by the main translator, in the case the proofreader alterations distort the original japanese meaning, which happens quite a few times each chapter. Then, the final proofread script is ready.
This process can take
In the meantime, if I'm not busy working (yep, that's what some folks still need to do) or studying, me or Jaeg start typesetting with the "wrong" script, so that once the script is ready, I can change everything to fit the final script. Thing is that sometimes even the best translation doesn't work when put on the page, for many reasons (doesn't fit the character behaviour in that panel, or doesn't fit the bubble (happens often on 1200h shitty raws)). After the typeset is ready, the proofreader and the main translator give it a quick look to find if there's something wrong, and then it gets uploaded.
And, almost always, this process isn't enough, since I usually reupload the same chapter a few times to fix very minor stuff. A few weeks ago I was reuploading some extra from vol. 1, since the translator spotted a mistake (I don't remember neither the mistake or the chapter).
And I don't want to mention the redraws, which can take hours.
And mistake do happen, even if so many people are involved!
And this is the process for every chapter we upload.
Now, I'm not saying that our version is objectively better translation wise (we already know it is editing wise), but we really strive to keep the original meaning of the japanese version, and lose as little as possible in the translation.
That's the difference between just "guessing" the meaning from google translate, and then editing the sentences so heavily to make them make sense, and trying to preserve the original nuances of the original script (and man, there are
so, so many.
In the first case you'll get the general meaning, you'll understand the overall sense of the chapter, but you completely lose the little details that make this manga so interesting.
But who am I to judge!
Sometimes I was so starved with reading the story that I read the chapters in spanish (I'm not spanish and I don't know the language) just to guess what the fuck was about to happen, but that was a long ago and, since I started scanlating, I've learned to not just appreciate the manga itself, but also the work that the scanlators put into it - so much that I drop manga if the scanlation team is incompetent and the typesetting isn't on point. But that's just me being autistic.