welp i can understand at least, its that classical development when kids get abused, some turn into abusers and others try to save other kids from getting absued, this two are one of each kind
Ah, so NOW it's suddenly OK to kill. 'Cause orphan suffering and all, and every teacher in the school was a sadist. Yeah right characters, you are now officially psychos.
They're no longer human adults, they're just killer chickens that will kill you on sight. Being a bitch ass about it won't save you. Who gives a shit if you kill them. The police and government for that matter is already gone so no one will arrest you.
@criver Leave them alone, man. Let them enjoy the manga however they want... Jesus! It's like you don't want people to have fun in their own way. You're like the orphans in this chapter. Very cringy! ?
The buildup in this chapter is so obvious it hurts, after the whole thing about trap-kun debating the ethics of killing giant murder chickens, the next chicken to get close to actually killing the protagonists will be revealed to be trap-kun's father.
You have to be retarded if you're thinking like that. I read this manga too, but good for you if you think like that. Unlike you, I hang out with my family and work on a job than have the time to argue with asinine responses. Nice!
If you ask me, I just saw a loser who's ruining the fun of others.
I guess adults are his trigger point?
Though it is a somewhat ignorant view, I think it's good in the way of character develepment. Cause let's be honest nobody wants a all-round pussy MC
Wait, just realizing it now, but how big are those chickens? How big are doors in Japan, does anyone know? I thought the chickens would be somewhat bigger than an adult person, but it seems they can squeeze through doorways just fine.