Boukenka ni Narou! Skill Board de Dungeon Kouryaku - Vol. 4 Ch. 17

Jul 9, 2018
No. No no no no no! You DON'T cry for those human trash! WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS AUTHOR!? I get wishing you could help everyone, but there's a point at which you must realize that some people are beyond help.

Not just that, but some people don't DESERVE help. Some people are just evil, rotten to their core, and trying to 'help' them will just end up hurting more people. Like Joker and Batman.

How many times has Batman let the Joker live because of his No Killing Rule? How many people have died because Batman didn't end Joker when he could?

There's a price for Batman's rule, and he feels the crushing guilt for it, the burden of it all, but he holds strong to his beliefs. Because his flaw is also his strength. That unbreakable will.

This is not Batman. Not even close.

There's nothing to develop MC's beliefs. He just likes fighting monsters and harvesting food. He doesn't have some unbreakable resolve like Batman, he's a mentally handicapped lunatic, that's what.

Oh God, why is this so fucking infuriating. The manga was okay until last chapter, then it went to shit.

How did this get through editing? How!? Surely the editor must have seen something wrong with defending actual, clear-cut rapist scumbags.

This is just horrible. There was something good here once, then it was taken away. I'd much prefer a shitty series to be consistently shit that what happened here. It's like game of thrones all over again.

I hate this. Thanks for ruining my day.


Jul 6, 2019
Oh yeah, of course they'll think "if only we could have saved those murdering rapists right after they tried to rape and murder us", just like a normal person. Come on, that's absolute bullshit, any reasonably sane person would have just been relieved or happy that they died a painful death due to their own mistakes. The author is trying to be Noble or some shit, but making a reeaally fucking bad attempt at it. Emphasis on the reeaally
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Just because you have no empathy for people who do questionable life choices doesn't mean other cant have.
I can agree that they are by no means good people, but death could be considered a far too heavy punishment or far to light, depending on who you ask.

The MC´s worldview is by no means rare even if you personally don't share it.
But yes, you are correct that the last crying part was an attempt to show the MC´s feelings about it and that he clearly falls into the "death is too harsh of a punishment " category.
There is a long of complaining in the comments about the MC´s actions, but really that's only because most of everybody else isn't a winey little bitch about somebody trying to save lives.
Even if said people are the trash end of humanity.


As for you, Just because somebody enjoys fighting doesn't mean they enjoy killing people ( even if they are absolute trash )
But have fun telling a martial artist that... tell me how it turns out.
You clearly believe that all rapists deserve death, but that isn't true for a lot of people in the world.
Also calling the MC
"a mentally handicapped lunatic"
is pretty unjustified... but I guess I shouldn't get to hung up on it considering your clear lack of empathy for criminals.

That said, These jokers are nowhere near the clown prince of crimes level of criminally insane and aren't even a remotely fair comparison.
( Also personally I would put the blame for the Jokers repeated mass murders on the incompetent people who can't keep him locked up, and not on Batman/ the police. )
Rapists might be criminals but they have human rights just like everybody else.
Rape is by no means ok don´t get me wrong... but just because somebody is a criminal for one reason or another doesn't mean they somehow stop being human.

There are plenty of reasons why the death penalty isn't used anymore by most parts of the world.
Normal human beings unlike the Joker, are able to change for the better given the chance to do so most of the time.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
"What the hell did we even do wrong?"
Aug 27, 2020
@Goldenzeal you are an idiot. The only people who are hurt to tears by the death of people who are murderers, rapists, and slanderers who just tried to commit all of the above to one's own friends and self are mentally handicapped, there's just no other way around it especially with such high stakes places. I seriously cannot understand how you can chalk up some of the most heinous crimes people can commit to "questionable life choices" and you really need to re-evaluate your beliefs. Think about what you would feel and want while watching your mother get slashed by a sword, get raped, and then murdered by criminals who have contributed ZERO positive influence upon the world. Such a naive and dangerous way of thinking is not shared by any sort of sane people in the world and I'm sure even the Pope or Dalai Lama would be supportive of their deaths if they existed in this fictional universe at this fictional situation literally created and exaggerated to the max to make people feel hate towards these characters, and yet you want to feel "empathy" 🤣🤣🤣 I can't believe I really wrote this whole paragraph but you should be proud (not really) you said something so foolish and naive it resulted in this response.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

congratulations, you wrote a whole paragraph adding basically nothing to the discussion other then " I don't agree with you"
I'm so proud of you, have some internet cookies to feed your clearly superior intelligence since I'm such an idiot.

first, you start off by insulting people and then you continue with a statement that is factually wrong as there are people in the world who does care for health and wellbeing of all people.
Even the most horrid, twisted and useless people on the planet that we most likely would have been better without. ( hopefully, you aren't one of them )

If everyone shared your flawed beliefs we would just execute every criminal ever and be done with them.
Sadly the real world doesn't work like that and pro-lifers are a thing. ( yes I know pro-lifers are against only abortions but its an example of people who care for life, and not the inherent value of it )

I seriously cannot understand how you can chalk up some of the most heinous crimes people can commit to "questionable life choices" and you really need to re-evaluate your beliefs
The keyword is " I " here.
Again just because you and some other people are unable to do something doesn't mean others can´t... I'm afraid you are the one who needs to re-evaluate your beliefs.
At least mine are backed up by facts while your only come from your own personal views and biases.
Also in case you failed to understand what I even meant, I was implying their life was bad as a whole and not just those few bad actions alone when I said questionable life choices.
That said rape and murder are indeed very questionable life choices.

Such a naive and dangerous way of thinking is not shared by any sort of sane people in the world and I'm sure even the Pope or Dalai Lama would be supportive of their deaths if they existed in this fictional universe at this fictional situation literally created and exaggerated to the max to make people feel hate towards these characters, and yet you want to feel "empathy"

Bold of you to assume the thoughts and feelings of others when you in the very next moment look down on empathy.
Also considering there are laws, you know those important sets of rules that everyone needs to follow condemns those sorts of actions even against criminals proves you wrong yet again.
There is nothing inherently dangerous to value life and hope for even the most deranged criminal to redeem himself...
It only ever becomes a problem when you fail to take care of them properly afterwards. ( but at that point it's not so much a problem as its a human failure to do what needs to be done )
Its highly unlikely ( but nothing is impossible ) that the MC would have just let them go if they made it out alive, but he and most sane people would not have killed them.

You might be correct that the characters were designs to be disliked, but any good villain should also be relatable if you know anything about writing.
And while its totally possible that the fictional universe we are reading about has totally different social norms, rules and standards you HAVE to assume they are like ours unlike told otherwise.
A story has to assume that the people reading it can relate to the characters in the story on some level.

Think about what you would feel and want while watching your mother get slashed by a sword, get raped, and then murdered by criminals who have contributed ZERO positive influence upon the world.

Oh, that would suck for sure, but even then I would not choose to kill them.
my personal opinion is that death is an easy way out and life can be a much heavier punishment for most ( but not all, there are always exceptions )
If I were both judge and jury I would force them to become productive members of society so they could at least in small part make up for the bad they have done even if they don´t regret it.
But if they eventually do and reform all the better, but they would still be in for a very very very long time regardless.

an example of when being alive is worse than being dead would be the people ask doctors or relatives to pull the plug while in the hospital for permanent injuries.
A lot of people choose to die over being permanently handicapped when they get older and a lot of prisoners would have been happier with being executed then being locked up for life without a chance for parole.
Active member
Feb 27, 2020
This comment section is a wreck lmao, besides that just gonna say there is holes in this manga so i'ma just turn my brain off from this point when reading
Active member
Jun 9, 2020
Well damn. I wouldn't have given a sh*t about those three if it were me.

Also look at the comments below they are arguing if they should've given sympathy to those f**kers. And i honestly dont give a sh*t about them
Active member
Jun 7, 2020
His hole not having any presence think is so stupid , having no presence isn't literal. Also why did anyone listen to those three enough to not use her shop?
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
I thought it'd go with the "random monster encounter kills the antagonists so the MC can remain pure" trope, but this is even worse.
-Me, ch. 16

This chapter was an emotional roller-coaster.

First I got upset by how they made a bad trope even worse, then I was happy that they at the very least died.
Then I got pissed again because they had a shounen moment of "we gotta get stronger so we can save errybody", and once again the author made a bad trope even worse by having the 'victims' they failed to help be murderous, would-be rapists.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2019
Usually i'm ok with a passive mc/ kinda pacifist.
Cause it's usually not that bad and most people just over react.
But now I'm just saying wtf. cause cmon. really?
It's one thing to say you won't kill them so they can get proper punishment.
It's another to give a whole motivational speech to them while trying to save them, then afterwards have multiple people care about their rapists/assaulters that tried to kill them as well and couldn't give 2 shits about them.
And they want to work hard to save those people? Really author? Cmon.
Shit is just as bad as Redo healer
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2019
Why did they feel bad for those murder rapists ?
If anything good riddance,they saved a lot of future victims from those fuckers.
Mc didnt even kill them , they all got killed by monster too…wtf why would you need to feel responsible for that shit ?
Jun 8, 2018
I guess it's hard to feel relate to main character with too much good moral. But hey, we can agree to disagree how we feel about those trio scums. Even if they lived, I'm sure they would be jailed for a very long time or even death sentence.
Jun 18, 2024
what human cries when filth gets shredded to pieces? None. No human. So stop crying over dead maggots. It's great you are motivated to get stronger and all, but they DESERVED to die. Not everyone is worth saving.
Jun 18, 2024
I guess it's hard to feel relate to main character with too much good moral. But hey, we can agree to disagree how we feel about those trio scums. Even if they lived, I'm sure they would be jailed for a very long time or even death sentence.
Japan doesn't put people in a death row bc of raping, sadly.

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