Boy's Abyss - Vol. 16 Ch. 156 - Brothers by Blood

Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
I'm really starting to despise Reiji more than Yuko.
If Reiji just fucking told the detective the truth about everything, Nagi would be found fairly quickly.

He dragged his brother back into town, to that house and has already told him a potential lie to keep him there, instead of telling him to call the detective. Kazumasa deserves better than having to deal with Yuko 2.0.

When will this asshole understand that he's becoming the cause of every fucking problem in this city, keeping out the good/healed people is hurting everyone who knows him.
I would not be surprised if that is the planned ending for this story.

Reiji grows up to "inherit" Yuko's role of being the "abyss" that spreads misery to others.

Maybe he has a child too one day, and he trears them like Yuko treated him.

The cycle of despair starts again.

The End.

We have to keep in mind that this story is not one where hopes and miracles save the day, this is a dark tragedy, depicting the worst aspects of mankind.

I will legit be surprised if this has a happy ending.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2019
I'm pretty sure Nagi disappearing had nothing to do with Yuri. If feel like the author made that weird cliffhanger last chapter on purpose for the readers to think and connect Yuri kidnapped her. It's not the first time we had these kind of "fake" cliffhangers before in this series. But maybe I'm all wrong and think too much about it XD
Dex-chan lover
Aug 25, 2023
I'm pretty sure Nagi disappearing had nothing to do with Yuri. If feel like the author made that weird cliffhanger last chapter on purpose for the readers to think and connect Yuri kidnapped her. It's not the first time we had these kind of "fake" cliffhangers before in this series. But maybe I'm all wrong and think too much about it XD
The previous chapter ended suspiciously in an anticlimactic way.

Besides, the time Yuri took to reach Reiji's house the 2nd time was longer than usual. And let's not forget her yandere behavior when Reiji spat the ED thing.

Still sus behavior, but we shouldn't discard Nagi having been lost into that forest upside the river. Just remembered she is obsessed with the main couple of Esemori's book and expressed jealousy for them.

Just was reading some japanese comments on X: more people are suspecting Yuri had something to do with Nagi's disappearance, one was wondering if Reiji and Nagi will become the next Yuko and Akira (in the sense they will become people who will be at each others' throats, shittalking each other and plotting revenge plots), and one pointed out Reiji was sitting on the bed Nagi slept when she was in his house the moment Kazumasa returned, giving more ammo to the idea of Reiji being so fucking hard on self denial when Ishibashi asked him the question (i'm guessing it's quite a deliberate choice from Ryo to do that thing that borders on fetishist territory). Lying to himself will only make his dick deader than Eren's head lmao. One put Nagi being the only one that would cure his impotence.... but at this rate, imo, the 1st thing he has to do is to come honest with himself and with those good willed adults, Kazu (and when she enters again to call out his bullshit, Chako too) instead of keeping clinging to Yuri. Yuko did the same shit with Uryu and we know how it ended.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2019
Yuri definitely called it. But she fucked up when she told Reiji that telling him about Yuko would probably bring him back. Cause of course Reiji would do it. Yuko's in the hospital, Grandma's in a home, Kazu ran away, Chako's been hospitalized and cut out of Reiji's life (for now), Gen's in jail, Yuri can only run over for a little bit before having to run home when her parents are out (plus hes begun to resent her for taking Nagi's phone when he needed to talk to her most), and Nagi just disappeared into the mist (literally lol). He's literally the most alone he's been

Of course he's gonna tell Kazu about Yuko and manipulate him into coming back.

But at least he still helped him out by talking to Ishibashi about it and finding his biological mother for them.

Hell, Kazu even noticed Reiji's eyes. Doesn't matter if it was calculated or not, Kazu saw Reiji's deadeyed thousand yard stare and realized he's become like Yuko and embraced the abyss. Now Kazu feels like he can't leave him here alone again and probably blames himself for all of the stuff that happened to Reiji after he left.

Idk if Reiji was intentionally really bad at trying to convince Kazu or not, but the second he saw Reiji's eyes when he said they're blood related, he went from denying it to playing along, thinking it would probably make Reiji feel better or something, while really, he's just being guilted super hard, not just by Reiji, but he's definitely guilting himself too after that email.

Also what seemed like a leap last week suddenly just gained more ground to land this week.

Ryo-sensei definitely knows what the readers are thinking after last chapter lol even if it barely had a leg to stand on, instead of fanning the flames or pouring fuel into the fire, he took the fire itself and dropped it into a pool of gasoline lol

Yuri being muddy and dirty and out of breath when she got to Reiji's house, and an uncommon and oddly anti-climactic chapter ending non-cliffhanger of Yuri asking her parents to specifically "stay away" from the ping pong hall because she "wants to take responsibility" for it.

At first it was just weird, but then everyone starting jumping to "oh shit, Nagi got got!", and we were still divided with some thinking it was kind of a leap but not really considering Yuri being yandere, and even moreso towards Nagi since the beginning, along with Nagi's aimlessness not even just in the series, but as a character in general, so no one could even argue Nagi getting fridged or kidnapped offscreen and continuing to be a plot device isn't out of the question, especially if it's Yuri behind it.

The only argument anyone could make was "we can't know until it's outright confirmed by someone saying something or we get a panel confirming it, all we saw was Nagi walking off and away from Reiji in the early morning mist" lol

And now it's become even harder to counter lmfao

Ishibashi saying she's gone missing being added to last week's list just made the theory that much more likely.

At first I was gonna say "what if he was referring to her going missing as her agent/manager losing touch with her, because she randomly decided to come to town and didn't tell anyone?", but then I remembered she came back for the specific purpose of meeting Ishibashi to get her phone back after he confiscated it from Yuri lol sooooo..

RIP Nagi. At least you no longer have to do JAV. Now you just have to watch it like the rest of us. Except she's getting a live cuck show of Yuri and Reiji on a ping pong table while tied up in a closet.

Except he can't get it up and Nagi isn't interested in him like that. Woulda said anymore, but I don't think she ever saw it like that in the first place considering she was originally just gonna bang him in her idol dress to keep him quiet after finding out he knew who she was and was a fan, and so he would die with her lol

So if anything, we might just get Yuri slapping Reiji's junk with a ping pong paddle or something, while Yuri looks at the closet with a smug look of triumph on her face.

And then when she gets annoyed his dick don't work and opens the closet door to reveal she kidnapped Nagi, either out of spite or anger or annoyance cause she can't get Reiji to bang his no-longer-a-teacher teacher, only for Reiji to go permaboner SSJ Purple because he sees Nagi bound and gagged, and completely activates Yuri's yandere and we finally get the return of our favorite and now and forevermore classic panel of TALALALALALA FALALALALA YandeYuri lmfao

/rambling-turned-fanfic/headcanon lmfao hahaha

Sidenote. Totally forgot Kazu just excused himself to the bathroom at the end there.

That shit (pun intended) did not sit right. Maybe he went to Yuri first before coming home to Reiji and either saw, or he helped Yuri with whatever she did to/with Nagi lol

Or it's unrelated and he offed himself in the bathroom.

Or he straight up went back to Yuko's room and put a pillow over her face now that he found his real mom.

Or por que no los dos and went full murder-sui?
I like the way you think.
Jan 13, 2019
I've got enough of an idea of what she went through now to see why she didn't really experience character development.
She just does what people tells her, she doesn't really think, it's like she's frozen in time, and her life experiences only reinforced it. Mr. Esemori told her to grow up pretty much, and with the hope of death to end her guilt gone, she was furious, but it seems like that's what caused her to want to make some of her own decisions.

Maybe we weren't shown her inner thoughts because most of the time it's not worth mentioning, also a lot is shown on her face.
She's been chewed up and spat out by the world, she might be too traumatized to even function properly.

She needs support, she desperately needs to open up to someone that wants to help her, not use her.
She's the only person Reiji seems to still genuinely care about, and who else does she really have?
She's pretty much has a dead pan face so I don't know about that.

She does have thoughts, I think many key moments had her seem to be thinking. But we can't really tell what she was thinking about.

Most people in this manga need help, they seek it out, they went through a lot. You can see Reiji trying to please everyone but he's really clueless. I would say he cares more about Chako than Nagi. He cares about The guy who killed his father. Everyone in this manga got spat out, and we saw it unfold.

Nagi...was a survivor and have survivor guilt. She was interesting, when the manga first started, she seems to be the main plot point, but in the end, the author most likely wanted a way to set the story in motion, so he invented Nagi. (This part is my thought so don't really think about this part too much)
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 5, 2023
Oh God please don't tell me...

Also who tf is kazus birth father? I am legit having a stroke rn and I kinda don't want to reread the entire manga so...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 25, 2023
Oh God please don't tell me...

Also who tf is kazus birth father? I am legit having a stroke rn and I kinda don't want to reread the entire manga so...
It's Reiji's stepdad Gen stabbed and Yuko told Gen to let him die there (he could have been saved).

The problem here is, is he actually Reiji's dad or he is telling that to Kazu bc he is trying to cling to anybody and not feel alone??
Dex-chan lover
Aug 25, 2023
I've got enough of an idea of what she went through now to see why she didn't really experience character development.
She just does what people tells her, she doesn't really think, it's like she's frozen in time, and her life experiences only reinforced it. Mr. Esemori told her to grow up pretty much, and with the hope of death to end her guilt gone, she was furious, but it seems like that's what caused her to want to make some of her own decisions.

Maybe we weren't shown her inner thoughts because most of the time it's not worth mentioning, also a lot is shown on her face.
She's been chewed up and spat out by the world, she might be too traumatized to even function properly.

She needs support, she desperately needs to open up to someone that wants to help her, not use her.
She's the only person Reiji seems to still genuinely care about, and who else does she really have?
You may be actually very on point. And it has a solid evidence: the chapter where Reiji finally rejected Nagi as an angel of death (ch114 iirc). She had a flashback that matches with the moment Esemori winked at Reiji in Ch1. Esemori told Nagi someone is watching them, and Esemori told Nagi it was an angel of death before she stepped aside and saw Reiji at the other side of the street. And there, present time Nagi said that he was her angel of death for her. So her meeting with Reiji was all staged. She agreed because Esemori told her.

Reiji will have to do a fucking extra work to finally mske Nagi open herself at his fullest, but now that he is adding self denial of his feelings to his list of adopted bad habits from Yuko, he'll on a dire need of a call out.

I'm hoping him being a bad liar (doubt Ishibashi would be that stupid to believe Reiji after saying he doesn't want to see Nagi anymore, b u t wanting details of what hapoened to her. That's why he told Reiji what's happening) and his guilt for having wanted to turn Chako into a Nagi substitute are the things that finally makes Reiji realize he isn't like his mom. Because someone like Yuko would have never cared for Nagi as a person, but would have used her as an angel of death.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 5, 2023
It's Reiji's stepdad Gen stabbed and Yuko told Gen to let him die there (he could have been saved).

The problem here is, is he actually Reiji's dad or he is telling that to Kazu bc he is trying to cling to anybody and not feel alone??
That's the question I have. Way too many lies and deceptions, made me start to question everything happened so far.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 25, 2023
Saw some pics from the RAWs. Reiji once again cried bc of Nagi nit having a place to go, despite of being glad she was able to escape from JAV hell, Kazu told Reiji Gen is on a mental ward, both bros go to Yuri's parents house and Reiji got a call from Esemori.

The plot thickens.
Nov 16, 2023
just speculation, but it looks like he’ll have to choose between Nagi and Kazu/Ms Shiba.

Please do the right thing you poor SOB, Choose Nagi.
Aggregator gang
Jun 29, 2024
honestly i never tohught a series would make me sound this messed up but... i really really hope nagi is dead. i hope she commited suicide, because the alternative is that shibasawa kidnapped her and is keeping her in the tennis room.

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