Boy's Abyss - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - Contract

Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2020
@Beatrice I already addressed the selfishness of her actions but once again, she is a teenager. They don't always make the best decisions. While it's true that Rei's problems stem deeper than Nagi, she's an adult. She should know better than to convince a minor to commit suicide. As I also mentioned, a lot of this would be hard for both of them to address due to Japan's issues with mental health. The best thing she can probably do is have him talk to the school counselor, whom would probably inform his parents and predator teacher and he would be back down the same rabbit hole. Or maybe not. Who knows.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2018
@Graywing. Agreed. Chako hasn't done anything wrong so much as she's blinded by semi-misplaced suspicion and previous ignorance. She doesn't know enough because nobody but a conplete stranger / the worst possible person has really talked to Rei about his innermost trauma ... Wow that's actually really depressing now that i think about it. Rei needs to open up already.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I'm waiting for my favorite mongol commander to spread his wisdom.
Jun 16, 2019
@Graywing To the truth, how old is Nagi? If I remember correctly she is 20th? That like two-three years older than Rei, right? I don't think she is more mature than him. Being adult by legal sense doesn't mean she really adult as a person.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
This was pretty shallow. And again, yes, they were talking about suicide pretty loudly in the middle of a restaurant.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2019
My boy finally snapped, also i really dont get minegishi's motives.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
i want to get a better read on that gen guy
he could have "feelings" for rei, whatever those are, romantic or some twisted variation of it
right now, it's hard to say, since they all seem really manipulative and kinda deranged in their own ways
chako is probably the most sane, but she's hanging from a very thin thread, like, she is not stable at all
with all the pent up emotions of her size, when she does fall, it's gonna make quite a splash
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@Richman ask and you shall receive

What makes this chapter so compelling to me is that we're aware of each of the character's motivations. Gen isn't going to hurt Chako without a reason, but that doesn't mean he knows what just happened or the situation he's in, nor does it mean that he is going to do the right thing. His end goal is to keep Reiji from leaving the town because he loves him, and so is going to try and use whatever power he can to keep him there. Chako also has feelings for Reiji, but her friendship with Minegishi means that she can be their intermediary, but she is ignorant of how much he wants Reiji to stay or that he has feelings for him, so when he does something extreme like threaten to make sure Nagi never approaches Reiji again, she tries to stop him because she thinks he's going too far without knowing that Gen's true intentions are to keep Reiji with him at all costs. Nagi just wants to find someone who will help her to die that reminds her of her husband before he went off the deep end, no pun intended.

This all flings back at Reiji because no one asks or sees what he actually wants, or cares about him beyond using him as a tool for their own means. Chako does signify to some extent that she cares about him in that she follows his wishes to throw off the manuscript to remove all connections with Esemori , but she takes it to mean that they're BOTH going to stay away from the couple as a contract, not that she'll stay away from the author alone. This also neglects how Reiji was recently used by his teacher to impregnate her while he was emotionally vulnerable, which he definitely can't tell either Chako or Gen as the results will universally be negative.

Interesting also how Minegishi's first reaction when Chako tells him to stop is not to harm her in any way, nor to ignore what she says, but instead he goes back to ask Reiji about Nagi and to try and press him for details about his sexual relationship with her. Maybe he's inferring that Chako has feelings about him and wants to undercut them, or to make Reiji embarrass himself? It's complicated. Also, note how Chako knows from Rei's eyes that he's going to try and attempt suicide again, yet her first instinct is to tell Minegishi to stop him, despite knowing how often he abuses Reiji. It not only indicates a desperation, but that she's willing to extort to extreme means to get what she wants.

Also, I find it interesting that they made a "contract" but we all know how well promises in this series tends to go overall.

@Vringi She's 20, but it's implied Esemori is in his 40s and they've known each other for a very long time, implying some underage manipulation going on.

@ICYCOZY Minegishi is heavily implied to have feelings for Reiji, but he can't openly come out to him about them because he knows Rei is straight and will reject him, as well as the fact he's in a social environment that favors the stereotypical assertive masculine traits and him being revealed to be a homosexual may throw a damper on his social standing and his intimidation factor, and so he wants to extort Reiji into never leaving the town so he can be with him forever. He's a complex character, but an interesting one
Aug 16, 2020
Wtf is wrong with this guy? is he a gay yandere or what? why the hell is he so possesive?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
Bruh all this chako hate

She's literally trying to stop her best friend from DYING. Even if Nagi isn't the source of Reiji's misfortune & mental state, she's definitely the catalyst in him ending his life. If he can keep stretching towards every tomorrow, it WILL eventually get better. Even if adulthood isn't all sparkling success and happiness, there is freedom, there is choice.

Like, I get it. Nagi's hot and has a mysterious nihilistic vibe. But that kind of person is poison. You need to get them professional help or get away, for your own sanity.

Honestly given how young Chako is and with her own issues no less, she's trying her best to show Reiji there is another way to save yourself. You would be very lucky to have a friend like Chako.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2020

That just reaffirm the fact that this can't get fixed just leaving town, those two just don't know what the hell they want at all, and their problems just get pilling up, damn, they know if they all jump together, pum!, problems resolved? just kidding, but kinda feels it can be the end of this for good, that or everyone just decide to get mental help and I mean EVERYONE IN THIS STORY, but of course, you know what is more likely to happen don't you?

Oh yeah and contract my ass lmao, I just wonder when are we going to see Nagi again, and someone remember that respect teacher? lol

Anyway, thanks for the chapter as always!
Nov 21, 2019
So I guess this is where Chako finds out who is really pulling Rei's strings.
Feb 22, 2020
After all this time we have a confrontation between the 3.

I feel like the entire town needs to just sit in a circle and talk it out because no on articulates what they truly want and only imply it. Its stupid but I guess that's what makes the story so human.

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