...no explicit consent? He is kissing her for four pages straight. He is going in there. His hands are not even trying to pull away Yoru/Asa's hand. And with this chapter, we even explicitly know how he felt during the act.
Denji's mental state? He wasn't incapacitated or black out drunk-- again, he was outright kissing her as much as she was kissing him. It's like you're talking from a text summary of the chapter, on top of not knowing what "violation" is.
And where was any of this when Yoru kissed him in his apartment? Hell, where was this when the 22 year old Fumiko fondled his 16-year old junk in a movie theater and then took advantage of his desire for sex to get him to fellate a devil tentacle? This is the most consensual, earnest, and legal sexual action Denji's gotten in this entire manga that hasn't resulted in grievous bodily harm, but it's now that people wanna go "oh, man, he's a victim of sexual assault".
I am flabbergasted-- [ningen] dun forgot how to interpret pictures. We're evolving in reverse.