@It_Is_Moi maybe because he... doesn't look like every other male in these webtoons? I thought he looks weird too but now I appreciate the fact that one could distinguish him even if he changed his hair or whatever.
@MightyDragoon453 Apparently the balcony scene is very different in the original novel.
It takes place shortly after MC has met her brother.
MC reflects on her present situation and is very sad at how no one loves her in this world. She considers killing herself by jumping off the balcony so she can return to Korea, but becomes more depressed after remembering she's no loved ones in her world too.
She cries for a while, then nearly slips. When the duke comes to her aid, he hugs and comforts her until she feels better. Thanking him, she goes back to the party.
After hearing about the balcony scene from the novel, that would have been so much better! I guess they're just going for comedy here. Was the webnovel also comedic?