Actually, if she's so super important, they can't exactly afford to disperse her anyway. This is good. Su Luxia not having all her tools upped the tension a lot.
The system is jealous? Dude, what if the hamster is actually the agent that sacrificed himself to save Luxia?
It would be sort of a clever way to include the ML and make everyone wonder where he is when he'd been right in front of us since day 1.
You know what i like about this arc a lot other than Su Luxia and the girl's relationship with each other? That the 'cheating man' in this arc is the Taoist Master instead of a male love interest. It's a nice breath of fresh air. Now i hope Su luxia can get through the upcoming fight.
@mukade That would be brilliant, doesn't he turn into a little blonde boy (I could be wrong) when in human form? And wasn't her savior a blonde guy?....Though his og apperance could be different than in that flashblack..... It feels like the author really planned the story out though they could be winging it and just doing a good job lol. 😁
Jing Chen's arc in This Feng Wushuang ended with the system data crumbling. The Taoist arc started with a system error and Su Luxia couldn't enter. Plus the system went under maintenance, maybe Jing Chen would have managed to reach ascension and left his world 😮
@goodluck6 yes, the same hair color! Another thing, isn't it weird how the hamster is so dramatic all the time? He gets angry, flustered, sad, happy. He basically acts like a human most of the time, whereas the system that belonged to that female agent from the side story was literally just a computer screen.
Maybe the reason why the system is always crashing recently is because the 'little guy' IS the system error.