And there we go, it's gone straight for "your size is directly tied to unfulfilled romantic tension with the male lead, and a confession of true love will turn you back to normal". This is exactly the kind of "treating Chieri's size as a problem to be solved" that I was hoping wouldn't happen, and the story seems to have forgotten that we haven't even established whether Chieri wants to return to "normal" or not - this whole arc began just because they wanted to know if it was even possible before they lost too much sleep over it, but now we can't even explore Chieri having to choose whether to stay big or not because we've established that staying big will forever be tied to having her "wishes unfulfilled".
I'm not even mad that this story is rushing towards its ending - I actually feel like the premise of "bog standard HS romcom manga, but with giantesses" was starting to wear a bit thin (there are only so many HS romcom cliches you can lampoon, after all), and this this was a good time to give us the confession we've been waiting for and wrap things up - but the author seems to be rushing towards an ending under the assumption that "an ending" needs to include a return to "normalcy", rather than letting this be their normal.
I guess it's still possible that Amano is talking out of her ass and that this is just a way to push Chieri and Yumeji towards that confession without it actually changing anything, but it's looking less and less likely that this will get an ending that will make me, like, ever want to come back to it.
What was that one horror comic where a girl's boobs turn into eldritch monsters because she can't confess to her crush, and then she's completely flat-chested at the end? Because that comic really pissed me off, and this is looking more and more like it's going to be a non-horror version of that exact same bullshit.