@Psychronia: I also thought that and I believe somebody might have already have tried (even aside from the racialist reasoning). But then I reconsidered. Firstly those new schools wouldn't be recognised if they are too small. (Maybe they do exist, but are struggling.) And secondly, before a school reaches some fame or a larger one is being founded by an organisation, like a nation or a guild, do you believe that academy would idly stand by and just watch that?
Their nations political power depends quite a bit on them and their unique position. They'd sabotage them, e.g. sway away talented teachers and students, discredit their alumni, threaten said nations to break ties (not accept student from their place/discourage their own students from working for them) , aso.
In the end racism against Beastkin is especially bad there, but also present everywhere else. If a newly founded academy is made up to a certain degree of beastkin, people might sadly start to look down on it, hurting the number of students.
But I have to wonder. Racist people are in most cases amazingly narrow minded. How does that add up with an institution, that thrives and depends on broad minded people? Aren't they denying everything, that is different from their comfort teachings, while overlooking mistakes made while teaching their knowledge from generation to generation and rotting from the inside?