thanks for being here to engage in the conversation, I appreciate it. The overwhelming majority of this community loves the work that all you scanlators do.
Honestly, the most annoying problem in this entire debacle is the ungrateful leeches. It is not difficult to be civil with other people, and I feel that those who harass others online should be given a timeout. Believe me, I know it sucks having entitled folk throw tantrums in your DMs—I was forced out of a for-profit project I founded as my devs complained about tabs vs spaces, lol.
However, let's not allow them to represent the entire community. They are a microscopic (but extremely vocal) portion of the online community; they sit behind their keyboards and screw up everything for everyone. Allowing them (and aggregate sites) to win is the most bitter thing about this whole issue.
The majority of us come to MD, soak up some good manga vibes, read the comments for the entertaining keyboard warriors, and then go back into the murky mist of the web. I wish we could show our appreciation for your efforts on MD (outside of liking your group). Two week delay? No problem: I'll click the link, bounce to your site to get my fix, and then mark it as read on MD. (It would be super slick is if we could get reading credit from your site as well
Especially when you have a much larger user base, that is about as loyal as an Apple fan.
We come to MD because it attempts to respect both the scanlators and the readers. No ads for us, and proper credit and creative control for you. That's it. MD is the Steam of manga. When we find a better alternative, we'll bounce to that as well.
To be 100 with you, I wish a solution existed where scanlators are duly compensated, readers are respected, and the original authors are also compensated. I'm fully aware of the challenges that both you and Holo posted, but it is a nice pipe dream, nonetheless.
I really hope that you guys reconcile and we become one happy family again.
Perhaps you could look at it from another perspective—use MD as a platform to disseminate your works and work with MD admins to eliminate harassment. Imagine not having to maintain a web presence (and therefore pass on your donations and whatnot completely to your team/raws as you see fit). Unless ads are a significant portion of your revenue, you can view MD as freely supplying bandwidth, hosting, and management. Not unlike something like hosted Wordpress or one of those fancy headless CMS's.
Cheers, fam.
All the best.