Combating Misinformation: Official Statement

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Group Leader
Jul 12, 2018
i'm happy to see how md is handling this situation, by waiting to give an official response and addressing each question/major issue that makes up all this dumb drama. unfortunate that the involved scanlation groups think that way since they're just volunteer groups without any ownership over the series they took up, but people will be people

good job md
Group Leader
Jun 5, 2019
I'd like to see the point @TheOneWhoSighs brought up answered. The staff member who edited that post from the scanlator unwittingly started a lot of grief for both parties. If for nothing else than to clear the air, this incident should be properly and finally addressed.
Dec 2, 2018
Very nice response!

Nothing aggressive or pushy that would damage your reputation or cause more drama.
And also covered the main concerns as well as some ridiculous ones that grew during the initial stages of the drama.

Keep up the good work guys. Hopefully some day down the line the opportunity to go legit does become available and feasible!
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@kenx I second this. Since we all claim to scanlate for fun, keeping our head cool and know what to ignore is the greatest way to scanlate without stressing yourself out over the trolls - what, you're doing this for YOU and the one who likes the series anyway.
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
Glad to see things made clear.

Personally I agree with Manga Dex's neutral stance.

As a reader I find the hub easy to use and having all my series in one place is a great help given my time constraints with work. I don't have time to check 10+ individual sites regularly so a hub is a huge help for me. Personally I had no problems clicking on the direct link to their websites on the chapters whilst the time delay was active, but I don't have time to chase chapters so for me I've just dropped the series in question (there were only two anyway) and will wait for an Official English Releases if they come out.

As a scanlater, I view Manga Dex as a platform for us to release scanlations on, not moderators of the whole scanlation community. Although I agree extremely abusive toxic comments need moderating, I also acknowledge checking every comment ever posted is a ridiculous demand, as such the fact you have a reporting system and offer groups the choice to lock all comments on their releases to give them the choice to stop this completely, by making such posts impossible, shows your willing to support us. I think the option to block all comments and banning those in the abusive minority who are 'toxic little sh**'s' (as they were described) when reported for serious breaches of the rules is more than enough.

Although I can only express my opinion, ultimately, as a hobbyist scanlater I wouldn't be able to release anything without the Dex as a free platform to use. It's a shame to lose groups from the Dex, but you're the only ones who even give us that choice. Please don't get disheartened and keep up the good work.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 7, 2018
I'm unfamiliar with the edited comment you refer to, but as to the cultivation of a toxic community that harasses scanalators, that seems to place an undue burden on the staff members who maintain infrastructure, in comparison, batoto and even individual scanalators sites have had issues with shitposting and offensive comments. I wonder how much we can say is the fault of overseers in their inability to manipulate/control one of the fundamental human traits of impatience and mischevousness.
Jun 16, 2018

I'm not asking for some unrealistic authoritarian ban everyone that so much as looks at a scanlator the wrong way.

At the very least, I'm asking them to fully admit fault from beginning to end for the incident, instead of just admitting fault for the edit that a member of staff did and then wouldn't come forward as to who it was.

You cannot look at an angry army (that your staff helped create), tell them "This group is irrational for pulling out of MangaDex", and then claim a neutral stance.

Teasday in the actual screen grabs said exactly what they needed to do, which was drop it entirely. Not encourage anyone to go to anyone and say anything. Because that encouragement was only going to lead to far more harassment than was already happening/going to happen.

If they can't show context where they're not at fault, or admit fault. Then as far as I'm concerned everything negative anyone says about them is probably true. Because admitting fault is the most basic of virtues.
Jun 5, 2019
Hopefully this'll start untangling all that false info around right now while also informing people and confused users about the situation. But dear lord I gotta say, reading all those forums gave me a mini heart attack...
Group Leader
May 29, 2018
I agree with everything in the post excepting that MD should step up against toxic anons. That's a real problem that should be more proactively shut down.
"Disliking a group and complaining about how they scanlate, their release schedule, or whether or not they have a delay on MangaDex does not break our rules."
...expressing that in a civil way is fine. But 80% of the time they are complete ass-hats, and it seems to fly under the radar. Maybe we as readers/commentators need to be more vigilant about reporting problem-starters so mods can find 'em easier.
Jan 18, 2018
If they can't show context where they're not at fault

I kinda just came and saw the aftermath of all this, what exactly are you referring to?
May 5, 2019
Figured it would be the same old song and dance, the groups take not a single precaution towards protecting their works and expect someone else to clean up their mess. When you delay and simultaneously have your works displayed freely without so much as registration wall in place on your site, you're asking for them to get scraped by lurking aggregators or even annoying, impatient nobodies. Then that work gets read by 1000s at the detriment of groups only getting 10 or so people (aggregators) tops on their site's traffic tick...few if any are going to go to each group's respective sites to read, so it's an all-around loss of profit. Meanwhile, ALL of it could be solved if there was no delay and people could still donate to groups like normal. What a mess...
Jun 16, 2018


Every time this gets brought up, everyone at MangaDex goes "it's out of context".

And I have never seen any context that paints them in a positive light.

"It's out of context" What is the context.
Jan 18, 2018
But 80% of the time they are complete ass-hats
The thing is, that's not a ban-worthy reason. Besides, if you ignore them, they move on. Really.
In a certain imageboard, people started complaining about someone shilling WoW Classic every now and then.
Also when somehow the discussion shifted about furries some of them started asking for bans to all of them.
Admin's answer? "grow a spine"
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
>If they can't show context where they're not at fault, or admit fault.

Pardon my saying so, but burden of proof is on the ACCUSER not the ACCUSEE. Innocent until proven guilty and all that jazz. One accusation does not a case make unless it is backed up by proof.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
It was already cleared up with the Jaimini Box member in question when he came to our Discord on the day it happened, we apologized for whoever did the edit (no logs). Shortly afterwards we made a change to the site to add in the username of who makes the edit so that we can track such changes to comments in the future.

When Jaimini's Box came back to MangaDex they requested their comment section be purged to put the drama behind and start fresh. We complied. This isn't at all the reason why they chose to leave.
Active member
Nov 8, 2018

The timestamp on that is from more than a year ago, and is not as insulting as you seem to be making it out to be. Is that really worth getting so hung up over that you'd completely mistrust MD over it despite everything else? You are acting way too aggressive about it I think.
Jan 18, 2018
Yuri, so you're interested.
I think the issue @TheOneWhoSighs is mad about is that it hasn't been addressed other than usual formalities.
EDIT: I mean, was it explained here instead of only on the discord?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@TheOneWhoSighs ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, now I understand! I had trouble understanding what you wanted.

You should be more direct and just ask that you want to see the conversation where it took place those screenshots.

Because those were cropped and pasted together, maybe the conversation they had was a joke or just doing memes, and that's the context you want to see right?

I wonder if @holo or the other mods can even find those conversations, just browsing your logs from a week of conversations can be a pain in the ass, imagine looking for something from over a year ago, even more with all the servers and channels one uses to chat.
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