Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

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Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018

@Plykiya @Tamerlane
no i don't watch the news and for good reason. (see the second link above)
and personally i'm not surprised that some city's or state's police force are corrupt beyond the norm. however i can only say i hope all the bail out funds are going to the correct cities and people.

also endorsing a bail fund is not neutral by any means.
Jan 5, 2019
@Plykiya, Why in the world should the Police be giving these "protesters" transportation? They should be responsible for the own ride because they're adults. This isn't middle school, this is a "protest". They should be responsible enough to figure a way there and back on their own. They knew there was a curfew and they chose to defy it. They reap what they sow.

Now that being said, the idea of putting a curfew on a bunch of angry protesters was dumb the begin with. That was never going to work.
Apr 30, 2020
Why did we even need this thread? So MD could subtly show their support for joggers and Antifa without totally alienating part of their userbase?

Inb4 post "moderated" for asking the wrong questions
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Hopefully, everybody learns that there are consequences for their actions.

The cops should be held responsible for what happened during the arrest, and how other PDs have responded around the country.
But also I hope the feds deny all funding requests from the cities to rebuild from the riots.
You want to burn down the places that sell you food, clothing, other necessities, and/or employ you don't complain when those places don't rebuild.

All parties: You made the bed, now sleep in it.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
>Why did we even need this thread?
We didn't.

>So MD could subtly show their support for joggers and Antifa without totally alienating part of their userbase?
Obviously. Just as I said in my previous "wrong" comment, it's the usual American narcissism. The desire to export their problems to the rest of the world.

>Inb4 post "moderated" for asking the wrong questions
What can you do? Such is Resetera-lite.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@a-rabid-velociraptor They block access to transportation.

Course, it doesn't always lead to mass arrests. But it depends on the city.
Aug 24, 2018
I would appreciate if the mods lock this thread, US shenanigans and usual tomfoolery has nothing to do with Japanese media. I understand that you guys try to be on the right (tm) side of history but this place is such a niche environment that such a heavy topic as the aforementioned will only disrupt the, usual, peaceful state of affairs.

And to be honest a lot of people wouldn't really care about what's going on in the US, it's enough that most of us are under the Pax Americana reign.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

I hate how corporations sit in their ivory towers pretending to care about social issues to please their shareholders and make good PR whilst they consistently fuck over their consumers or do unethical business practices

Fortunately, we have made the perfect counter to them

Bad idea. We want to contain this topic and trying to lock it down would just disperse the conversation into other threads which aren't needed. Containment and discussion > Censorship and dispersion @sanctuary

Fair enough, just trying to play devil's advocate @loshi1505
Active member
Apr 2, 2019
The need for this thread is as ridiculous as nipples on an armor.
I think we all agree this isnt the place to discuss this.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Some pretty based opinions in this thread. One mod is literally shaking as we speak and has surely accidentally moderated a few innocent comments due to the involuntary vibrations.
For the record, I do think cops should find a less lethal place to put their knees. Perhaps the shoulder? Though I don't know if that would be effective or if the current police practices are even lethal. Apologies for my ignorance on both fronts. I also recommend that minority communities be allowed to bar white police officers from patrolling their neighborhoods if they feel it would make them safer. Everyone, me most of all, would appreciate the results. God bless.
Feb 11, 2018
This entire thread is a monument to foolishness and hypocrisy. At least be honest with yourselves as clearly those who claim to be neutral have outed their true feelings.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
@Plykiya might as well throw this your way as well so you can stay informed.

also @Tamerlane no beef here man, just making a point and hoping some of it at least is heard.
Jun 13, 2018
What a mess of a thread.

A couple of things to note:

-This is a human rights issue. An unarmed man was very clearly visibly harmed by police, the autopsy doesn't support that he was done in by drugs or whatever. Even if it did, the officer's aggression was INCREDIBLY excessive and disgustingly violent. And he got away with it, too. It took way too long for him to actually be tried and that was after rioting

Obviously looting is bad, but a fully armed cop murdering an unarmed man with his 3 other cop buddies is a lot worse.

-Yes, rioters have killed some police officers. There are a total of 11 known people killed in relation to protests, I believe only two of them are police. While this is obviously bad and the people responsible should be tried, there is a significant difference in power between citizens and police. Police are in full riot gear and are using very harmful weapons such as rubber bullets and tear gas that affect not only the rioters but everyone in the general area. They are also trained and have armored trucks and shit. They're decked out. Rioters are mostly unarmed. So in the end, mostly rioters will be harmed by excessive force from police (MANY videos show this happening). Rioters (including peaceful protesters) will be arrested and harmed much more often than police will. This is proven by arrest statistics, but it's also just common logic. Obviously police will be safer when they are decked the fuck out.

-Jogger is a racist dogwhistle. If you don't wanna get moderated, just don't use it.

-Bail funds are not political. You could argue it could help bail out violent rioters, but that's not the intent of Mangadex. MD linked the donation sites because they know donating there has got to help at least one innocent person (again, we have lots of footage of peaceful protesters being assaulted/arrested by police). Even if donating there did help some rioters, it's a basic american philosophy that it's better to let guilty people go free than to punish even a single innocent. So no, what MD is doing is not political nor is it taking a stance. They just want to help people who were wrongfully arrested

If you don't want to hear about this all the time, well sorry but there's not much anyone can do about it. It isn't a political thing, a man was murdered and lost his life. That is very serious, you shouldn't be surprised at all that it's a big deal and is being talked about everywhere.
Nobody is forcing you to look at posts or things related to this, so there's no real reason to complain. Obviously it can get annoying, but everyone deals with stuff like this online. Everybody constantly runs into things they don't like, dealing with that is a more personal thing and has to do with maturity.
I think MangaDex has handled this well, I'm sure they didn't really want to make this post but it's kinda an elephant in the room i guess
May 7, 2020
Not the creator of this image, though it may resonate with some:

<Mod edit: image removed>
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
And they're even hiding comments that call them out on their hypocrisy.
Why did you even waste the time typing out your lies of being neutral?
May 25, 2018
Thank you Mangadex for just giving us a quiet political free space to enjoy stories.
These places are becoming rare.
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