note: sorry for the wall of text, i don't tend to re-read what i write, bad habit i know...
@Tamerlane yeah, i came to the concclusion that good and bad don't really eaxist either, i'm just tired and pissed off that people can't see anything with a critical eye: confirmation bias, prejudices, social bubbles,etc... perhaps the reason i gravitate so much towards grey morals stories is exactly because i like figuring out which characters are intelligent enought to know that the situation they're dealing with is stupidly complex and which have tunnel vision, these days, it appears that the only people without tunnel vision are the ones who don't talk about these matters at all.
personally, i only perceive egoism and altruism these days, yet neither means the other is bad, egoism can perfectly be acceptable and right while altruism can be poisonous and dangerous, it all depends on the context, but in my view? everyone is a bad person right now in the world, myself included, still, that's a comprehension that i don't expect most people to reach and it just saddens me.
it would be nice if the world was as simple as "evil bad, good nice" which is how it seems to me most people on the two main sides of this matter see the world, but no, that is not the case at allbut i'm as moderate as they come and have also baiscally given up on life and humanity since years ago, so who cares in the end.
what drives the world nowadays are likes and being relatable to big labeled communities, not trying to take in mind the best interests for everything or keeping care of what fairness and justice actually means, as long as you have a sensible idea, push it to radical extremes and find the right leverage, you'll be granted a following, the way i see it, nobody actuallycares about anything that's going on now unless it directly affects them, and honestly, i'm pretty sure not even 10% of the people who sport the blm tag knows what it actually means to be opprossed, to be a minority, to be stripped of rights, to kow what it feels like to strive for you own survival and not to be forgotten in the sands of time.
hell, i don't even know it myself if not under some very faint shades of that what with my mental and social condition, but that's exactly why i don't go aorund taking a political stance for people that aren't myself, all that i say, i say based on what i personally see, on what i personally feel... most people instead, at least on twitter, seem to go the other way around taking gladly the issues of other people upon themeselves without even realizing what those issues actually are.
something i find particularly... "odd"(as "funny" might be misinterpreted) is how some people defend the burning and destroyal of structures and building as if people's lives don't depend on them, as if disabled and poor people won't need those buildings, and when they do aknoeldge that's not the case, almost as if it was a joke they say "that will be repaired, after all this is over, the city will cover all the losses"
the city is the government, the police is the government, and people are expecting the government to cover for all the damage being done? lmao.
i understand now why theywant to donate to X foundations, but considering how the situation is complicated, i can't see anything good coming out of al of this when into my eyes neither of the two groups are doing what they say they're supposedly doing, the police is doing the oppositeof their motto, and blm protesters/rioters are doing the opposite of what they've set out to do... however, of course, that'snot everyone in these groups, there's peaceful protests and fair cops, but that is just getting swept under the rug, didn't see a single video or article about the black people being killed due to riots/looting(whether directly or indirectly) and those who need special assistence being denied it or having their lives made a hundred times harder from the riots on my twitter tl, but there are those, those articles and events exist, like the cop who got killed over a tv a couple days ago from a looter; but police mis-management and brutality gets spotlight... which is fine, if what gets done of bad on the other side didn't get completely ignored.
basically what i'm saying is: there's a lack of consciousness in the decisions people are making these days and i have yet to see someone take any responsability for all the destruction and all the poeple getting hurt from either side, from my outsider's perspective, it all feel like senseless violence from cops and senseless destructionfrom the rioters, i'm glad for the peaceful protesters and the politicians and cops who are actually trying to have civil discourse and taking proper measures to defend civilians, but when the vocal minority drowns the injustice from one side while emphasizing to extreme levels the injustice from the other, i can't really feel empathy.
i just hope people will learn to take responsibilites and this will all get fixed, but by how things are going, the opposite seems more likely as in the last decade or so being an extremist of either side has become very prelevant on social media compared to actually trying to see the world for how it is: a very complex thing in which, if you want to drive forward a singular idea you'll be met with sacrifices to be made, and as such, figuring out a middle ground is the only way to not create a divide which will result in senseless ocnflict such as what is happening now.