So there are many people complaining about the art saying it has gotten worse. Which it is true, but if you are going to just drop a series or not read a manga/manwha's, just because the art looks bad or you don't like the style of art, or it's not drawn "professionally" then there is this thing called a door... Where you get out.. For people like you. Because I know there are so many wonderful mangas, manwha's, manhua's, and Webtoons that have awsome characters, storyline, etc. That are not really consider "Professionally" drawn but the story is unique or amazing. I'll rather have a bad or not "professionally" drawn manga/manhwa/etc. than a bad translation. And let me tell you, I have lots of experience when it comes to shitty translation, and it is not fun. The shitty ones are literally so bad I feel like they got it off from google translate. In fact, they were so bad that I believe that Google translate could do better. So I began to appreciate Individual translators or group translators. Even if they say their translation isn't perfect, I bet my whole money that their translation would be 100% much better than the shitty ones I've encounter. so the Translator that have been translating this manhwa. Thank you. I admire how much work you put into this and taking your time and effort to translate this manhwa. Thank you for making my day. I hope you have a wonderful day