I'm saying that other than that one receptionist who mainly works with him, the rest of the receptionists both don't benefit from it, and have to work overtime just to process everything MC does, so not only does basically 90% of the people not benefit, but they also are screwed over
And unless I remember wrong, they have a system so they are prepared to deal with more materials and the adventurers are suppose to get appointments so the guild can process the materials however they're suppose to do it properly, and sudden things mostly just makes more work
Well, that makes him kind of an asshole, honestly.
I'm also not a huge fan of the "carefree MC" where it doesn't actually mean "carefree," but actually "complete fucking idiot in every possible way, and cannot function in society outside of comedic effect" because I've spent way too much time not understanding society and missing social cues to find it comedic... but I'm trying not to think that with our MC in this tale...
The guild scamming the MC is a valid complaint, but as far as I can tell most of the people who are complaining about it aren't gonna benefit from it, so I'm fine with them complaining about it (other then that one receptionist)
I may just have a base of assumption that doesn't apply, as well.
I tend to think of any kind of "counter personnel" as people who are paid a basic rate, regardless of work; this may not be the case, here.
Even if it is, if they are all doing the work, and he is getting 10% (or less!) of what the final value is, and the guild is getting the full amount?
That makes them
complaining about receiving
hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing an amount of work that they will have to do, anyway.
And they're either getting that money once or twice a week, or they're just doing their actual job...
And complaining.
That seems weak sauce to me.
I just think their complaining is reasonable, and that was the least effort to explain why on my first reply, so sorry if my tone came across as negative, it's meant to be fairly neutral but we're online so hard to read emotions
My life is honestly pretty privileged, but thanks, I hope your life is doing good, and will get better
Well, yes, but I
know I sound pretty aggressive it my word-choices; you just sounded like maybe something was up, aside from manga.
I've definitely got too much going on, right now.