Dame Skill [Auto Mode] ga Kakuseishimashita ~Are, Guild no Scout-san, Ore wo "Iranai"-tte Itte Masendeshita?~ - Vol. 8 Ch. 64 - Divine Skill??

Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
Thinking about it some more, I realize a very simple fact about this skill. The potential applications are overpowered sure, and even more so at higher levels probably, when the restrictions on what she can use it on get eased perhaps.

But, in terms of rarity and uniqueness, solely from those perspectives, isn't it less impressive than Claus's auto skill?

Tierra recognizes how valuable they are, because this skill already exists...just as three separate skills instead of one combined version. In exchange, Liz seems to have some limitations on the category of things she can use it on, at least initially.

From that perspective, Claus's skill is a truly unique skill. Nobody has it, nobody recognizes it, and for years it was thought of as useless, even by it's own user. Put three people together that have each of the component skills of Quest Marker, and have them compare notes and you can approximate what Liz does.

It's still overpowered and impressive, I just thought it was interesting how the presentation differs.
May 8, 2024
Being able to consciously know that info and actually communicate it is already huge; Claus's Auto Mode skills optimize whatever he's doing and seem to incorporate some degree of foreknowledge, but he's unconscious and nonverbal while it's active and it's strictly goal-oriented compared to the pure treasure trove of information Quest Marker seems to provide.
It is not just "some degree of foreknowledge". I think that Claus's Auto Mode has perfect knowledge of all the possible futures and will select the one that accomplishes the task. That's how it "always automatically achieve its goals". When he fought the [Calamity Dragon] the timer was scrambling because it was still searching for the right future.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
Yup.. completely broken skills...
But what makes them fun is that they come with chuuni/chad attitude as a side effect.
Especially in the way it's depicted, the personality changes are hilarious... ;)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018
It's wild Tierra is a veteran adventurer that served through the implementation of the "K Procedure" for bestowing classes, and later on saw firsthand the rise of this man's competence... and yet she doubts off the bat when yet another unique skill shows potential but isn't strong at low levels:question:
She can be forgiven because she's thinking about the sheer, raw statistics. How likely is it that you're gonna have not one, but TWO impossible skills in a single family unit where neither skill holder has a blood relation to each other? That's "ACT OF GOD" territory.

Of course, I'm kinda surprised she hasn't heard of things like gravitation - where the odds start to skew because you got sop many "That shouldn't even be possible!" things all in one place. More about what the other impossible things are in a moment here, I gotta address another comment before we get into the gnitty gritty....
Merim can acknowledge bad things. Liz can find bad things. Claus can guarantee a win against bad things. Charlotte can be the cute mascot. Tierra can be the lewd mascot.
Very close, except you got the last two mixed up. Charlotte is the lewd one. Do recall her whole thing with Clause, where she's practically going "Hey, you're incredibly skilled... LET'S MAKE BABIES!!!"

(And honestly, that's pretty much what it is. She's got that incredibly sensitive nose, and your sense of smell is closely linked to your endocrine system - that system of glands and associated plumbing that handles hormones. She got one whiff of Eau de Clause and her ovaries practically went into red alert.)

Tierra, on the other hand... She doesn't do much except to clean up around the sides. (Like when she captured Little Miss Puppet before that boss-level ghoul could find her and eat her.) She's also the "smallest" out of them all... Both in height and bust. And, her wardrobe aside, she's also the most tame out of them all as she has the least romantic interest in Clause.


So. All that said?

Let's get into exactly how fucking broken this team as a whole is.

First up, Clause.

His skill set allows him to:
  • Automatically navigate and travel to whatever destination he sets, provided that he's been there before
  • Automatically gather all gatherable items in a given area (but not drops from monsters)
  • Automatically fight whatever opponent, provided that he has inflicted damage on one of their kind before.
  • Automatically succeed at all of the above. NO. MATTER. WHAT. (This is because his skill very likely has a probability altering element, as evidenced by Gaine's attempted assassination of Clause.)

Next: Merrim
  • Provides immediate danger-level assessments on-demand, though limited by how much area her brain can handle
  • Provides frightfully accurate clairvoyance, allowing for guaranteed Haile Mary plays
  • Provides probability altering in guiding "unintended discharges" of her magic - every attack from her is a guaranteed critical hit.

Next: Charlotte
  • Her sense of smell can accurately gauge another person's capabilities
  • Her "Gating" ability is baiscally the ACME Instant Hole from cartoons. It is more broken than Chell in the Portal games - she doesn't even need a portal gun or even solid surfaces to plant portals!
  • Portal-physics applies in-spades - speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out.
  • 100% pure predator, and in every-which-way. And she evidently prefers to hunt in a pack.

And now? Liz.
  • Broken as FUCK from Level 1.
  • Combines the Divine Trinity of Skills: Item Search, Orbital Mapping, and Weakness Detection (Keep in mind, these are usually one-per-customer, and she has ALL THREE.)
  • Like Merrim, her range is limited by how much information she can process, and how much of that she can automatically discard to free up more "CPU Cycles".

What this means for the party as a whole...

Clause is actually a support specialist. Yes, his skill gives him god-tier fighting capability, but it does have some limits in that regard. Otherwise, he's an extremely effective gatherer and (if you're brave enough) coachman with guaranteed on-time arrivals.

Liz can inform the party of the exact locations whatever it is they need, and (if the target is a monster) the easiest way to take them down. This is critically important if they face an opponent that is much stronger than them, because this will make it easier for Clause to deal that minimum-one-HP-damage to enable Auto-Combat. This is also incredibly useful for dealing with total unknowns - while Clause might be able to enable Auto-Combat, the rest of the party still needs this information in order to fight cohesively.

Merrim is a strategic asset: she can provide rough intel on threat levels, call out warnings of imminent attacks or hazards, and can score critical hits pretty much on-demand. She can also use this skill in the inverse by finding methods, routes, and places with the least danger.

Charlotte is their frontal assault berserker - really, a sub-class of tank known as a Lightning Bruiser, drawing aggro, dealing out DPS, and keeping in the game by minimizing damage through evasion. She is capable of attacking from multiple directions, and damn-near simultaneously at that. She can also send anyone or anything through her portals, which means she can drop "care packages" or "birdie blessings" in the midst of a pitched battle. Her range is probably limited, but from what we saw in the battle with the calamity dragon, it's nothing to sneer at.


Forget about the fucking Demon Lord. This is the party you send in to KILL ACTUAL GODS. They will be able to find the final floor of "Bottomless" dungeons and utterly annihilate whatever is in there, as well as uncover every uncharted passage, secret treasure, and hidden boss.

And unless the Guild Association steps in on their behalf? They'll have every country gunning for them in one way or another. That, or they'll make their own little country and tell everyone else to kindly leave them the fuck alone (and actually have the chops to back it up when someone fails to take "no" for an answer).

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